WASAG – El Marco Mundial sobre la Escasez de Agua en la Agricultura


WASAG WEBINAR - Compendium of drought resilient and nutritious crops under AWSAMe initiative
18/07/2023 15:00 - 18/07/2023 16:30
Water crisis is among the top five crises that will have the largest impact in the next decade. Exacerbated by climate change, growing scarcity and competition for water stand as major threats to future advances in food security, nutrition and poverty alleviation, with further impacts on the environment and human...
WASAG Talk: Engaging Stakeholders around Efficient and Profitable Crop Production
11/07/2023 11:30 - 11/07/2023 12:00 CET
Background   The Testing Ag Performance Solutions (TAPS, taps.unl.edu) program (co-developed by Daran Rudnick, a faculty fellow of the Daugherty Water for Food Institute(DWFI, https://waterforfood.nebraska.edu/) and co-leader of the Water and Integrated Cropping Systems (WICS) Hub within the University of Nebraska Lincoln’s Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources) has been adopted...
WASAG side event: Addressing water scarcity in agriculture through partnerships and innovation at 2023 Water for Food Global Conference
10/05/2023 10:45 - 10/05/2023 12:15
Nebraska East Union United States of America
This side event will discuss how to best implement the 2023 Praia Call for Action adopted during the 2nd International forum of the Global Framework on Water Scarcity in Agriculture (WASAG) which took place in February 2023.
UN 2023 Water Conference side event: Implementing the 2023 Praia Call for Action through the Decade’s work streams
22/03/2023 0:00 - 24/03/2023 0:00
The objective of the side event is to discuss the implementation of the 2023 Praia Call for Action through the Decade’s work streams. This Call for Action has been presented and endorsed by the Partners and Stakeholders of the Global Framework of Water Scarcity in Agriculture (WASAG) during the 2nd WASAG International Forum in Cape...
2nd WASAG International Forum on Water Scarcity in Agriculture – Making Agriculture Resilient to Climate Change
07/02/2023 0:00 - 10/02/2023 0:00
In person
Praia Cabo Verde
2nd WASAG International Forum on Water Scarcity in Agriculture – 7-10 February 2023 Making Agriculture Resilient to Climate Change: Water scarcity, an opportunity for action and collobration 

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