WASAG – The Global Framework on Water Scarcity in Agriculture

Global consultative workshop on AWSAMe: indigenous drought-resilient and nutritious crops


The escalating impacts of climate change, including water scarcity, pose a critical threat to global agricultural sustainability. As part of the initiatives aimed at addressing this challenge, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has developed the Value Adding Impact Area (VAIA) “Addressing Water Scarcity in Agriculture and the Environment” (AWSAMe) initiative. AWSAMe is specifically supporting one of the four betters of the FAO strategic framework for 2022–2031, namely “Better Environment”. 

One of the objectives of AWSAMe is to enhance agricultural productivity by promoting indigenous crops that are drought-resilient, nutritious and with the potential to improve biodiversity. In this regard, AWSAMe is collaborating with the Centre for International Cooperation in Agricultural Research for Development (Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement, CIRAD) for the development of four global project proposals for the wider adoption of such crops. 

As a first step, a comprehensive compendium has been prepared and was presented to stakeholders during a webinar which took place on 18 July 2023. Following this, a two-day consultative workshop was organized in Ben Guerir, Morocco on 20–21 February 2024 to discuss a first pilot phase using identified crops in four pilot countries, namely Cabo Verde, Malawi, Morocco and South Sudan. During the workshop, participants from the respective countries engaged in discussions regarding optimal agronomic practices to cope with drought and enhance biodiversity. They endorsed some proposed crops, while suggesting an additional one, suitable for their regions.  

The next step is to identify and prioritize crops that have potential for broader adoption across different regions of the world. It is against this background that FAO and CIRAD are organizing a global consultative virtual workshop on AWSAMe focusing on the indigenous, drought-resilient nutritious crops. 


  • To present to a wider global audience promising drought-resilient and nutritious crops that could be prioritized across different regions; for their wider adoption for mitigating the impact of droughts and climate change; 
  • To agree on additional crops and countries across all FAO regions (RAF, RAP, REU, RLC, and RNE) to be included in global project proposals (tentatively four); and   
  • To engage with all participants for their future involvement on the way forward. 

Expected Outcomes

  • Preliminary list of prioritized drought-resilient and nutritious crops with the potential for wider adoption for mitigating the impact of droughts and climate change.   
  • The workshop will provide input from all the participants to agree on suggestions for the four global project proposals. 


Note: the times below are CET and EST (which will correspond to 15:30 to 17:30 CET) 

Considering that the first event (9:30–11:30 CET) will cover the Asia-Pacific region, Near East & North Africa region, Europe and Africa region and that the second event (9:30–11:30 EST) will cover the Near East & North Africa, Europe, Africa and Latin America and Caribbean, participants will be invited to select and register to the workshop they wish to attend and their preferred region. 

9:30–9:40 – Welcome and background 

  • Moderator: Ruhiza Boroto, Senior land and water officer, NSL, FAO

9:40–10:00 – Overview of the AWSAMe initiative with focus on the compendium of drought resilient and nutritious crops

  • Speaker: WASAG Team

10:00–10:20 – Presentation of the compendium database (methodology and findings)  

  • Speaker: Michel Ghanem, CIRAD

10:20–10:30 Questions and Answers

  • Moderator: Ruhiza Boroto, Senior land and water officer, NSL, FAO

10:30–11:00 Prioritisation of indigenous drought-resilient nutritious crops with the potential for wider adoption for mitigating the impact of droughts and climate change

  • Breakout rooms (one FAO region per group)

11:00–11:20  Feedback from groups and discussion

  • Moderator: Michel Ghanem, CIRAD

11:20–11:30  Way forward and closing remarks

  • FAO

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