WASAG at the 3rd World Irrigation Forum - Bali, Indonesia
The 3rd World Irrigation Forum (WIF) brought together policy makers, experts, research institutions, NGOs and farmers and provided a platform for them to find solutions to advance irrigated agriculture. WASAG was well represented at the Forum, with several members of its Steering Committee participating in various sessions as speakers.
The Forum was an opportunity to present WASAG’s work to the world irrigation community. Eduardo Mansur, Director of the Land and Water Division of FAO, explained the challenges of water scarcity in agriculture and how they are being addressed by WASAG and in particular, by the six WASAG working groups.
Prof Chandra Madramootoo of the Water Innovation Lab of McGill University, a WASAG partner, is the recipient of the 2019 World Irrigation and Drainage Prize

During the Opening Ceremony of the World Irrigation Forum on 2 September 2019 in Bali, Indonesia, H.E. Minister Basuki Hadimulyono, Minister for Water Resources and Public Works of Indonesia, and H.E. Tian Xuebin, Vice Minister, Ministry of Water Resources of China, presented the 2019 World Irrigation and Drainage (WID) Prize to Professor Chandra Madramootoo.
Former President of the International Committee on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID), Prof Madramootoo of McGill University held many prestigious positions such as Chair, Governing Board, ICRISAT; Vice Chair, Board of Governors, IDRC; and IWHR Honorary Professor at the China Institute of Water Resources and Hydraulics Research. Professor Madramootoo was named the winner of this year’s WID Prize for his sustained, long standing and highly committed work to the irrigation and drainage sector worldwide, through education, research, planning and international project implementation.
A renowned professional of international repute in water management, Prof Madramootoo has undertaken research and teaching, and consulting activities in agricultural water management including irrigation, drainage, hydrology and water quality of surface and subsurface drained fields, development of innovative technologies to predict crop water requirements, and impacts of water management practices on greenhouse gas emissions.
WASAG wishes to congratulate Prof Chandra Madramootoo on receiving the WID Prize!