FAO Conference 40th Session

Looking for Sustainable Solutions to Fight Famine in Conflict Situations

Iraq Room (FAO Headquarters)
 Rome time



To brief member countries on the latest food security situation in northeastern Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan and Yemen, and to update on the ongoing response by FAO and WFP with a particular focus on the joint efforts to “Work together to save lives and livelihoods”.


The event will also be an opportunity to provide a perspective for durable solutions in conflict situations.


This event is to be seen as part of FAO and WFP commitment to brief member states on a monthly basis.



Opening of the session by Daniel J. Gustafson, Deputy Director-General, Programmes, FAO.

Update on the current food situation in the four countries. Presentation by Luca Russo, Senior Food Crises Analyst, FAO.

Update on response by the two agencies and challenges faced. Joint WFP and FAO presentation by Arif Husain, Chief Statistician, WFP and Dominique Burgeon, Director, Emergency and Rehabilitation Division, FAO.

Intervention by H.E. Hinrich Thölken, Ambassador of Germany, Permanent Representative to the UN Agencies in Rome.

Intervention by H.E. Said Hussein Iid, Minister of Agriculture and Irrigation of Somalia.

Intervention by H.E. Ahmed Bin Ahmed Al-Maisari, Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation of Yemen (by videoconference).

Closure of the session by Amir Abdulla, Deputy Executive Director, WFP.


Topics: Conference-Council,Food Security
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