International Day of Forests 2018: Forests and Sustainable Cities – FAO Headquarters special event
Rome time
With the 2030 Agenda recognizing urban sustainability as a key contributor to the success of the Sustainable Development Goals, this year’s celebration of the International Day of Forests, being held under the theme “Forests and Sustainable Cities”, will make a compelling case for increasing forests and trees in urban areas in order to make the world’s cities greener, healthier and happier places to live. The FAO special event, organized by the Forestry Department, will be held in the Sheikh Zayed Centre at headquarters on 21 March from 11.30 to 13.00 and opened by the Director-General. It will highlight the importance of forests and trees for sustainable cities, including their role in the provision of a wide range of goods and services that are critical to human health and wellbeing, as well as for action on climate change mitigation and adaptation.
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