
Partnership for co-developing research and innovation: sharing experiences from FAO and Cirad, INRAE & IRD (Memorundum of understanding between FAO and Cirad, INRAE & IRD)

Virtual Meeting
 Rome time

This special event celebrates the renewal of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between FAO and the three major French agricultural research institutes, CIRAD, INRAE and IRD.


Under this renewed framework agreement, five technical areas of cooperation have been established :

(1) Improving the coherence of food security and nutrition policies and their effective implementation by States, in particular to encourage sustainable and responsible investments, within the framework of strengthened global governance;

(2) Support to the transition towards multiple performances (economic, social and environmental) of food systems and territories, in particular to contribute to the creation of decent rural jobs and improve the incomes of family farmers, more particularly through agro-ecological approaches;

(3) Strengthening health security and the prevention and response to diseases, in the plant, animal and food fields, to contribute to the improvement of global health in a ""One Health"" approach;

(4) Strengthening the resilience of vulnerable populations and improving the prevention and management of crises, in particular food crises;

(5) Contribute to the implementation of the FAO climate change strategy, with a view to the implementation of the Paris Agreement and the FAO biodiversity strategy.

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