Strengthening science–policy interfaces in support of effective decision-making
Rome time
The challenges faced by agrifood systems are complex and multi-faceted, and highlight the need for inclusion of knowledge from both the academic and non-academic spheres, as well as mechanisms to translate and integrate these insights and analyses to feed into policy and practice. However, integration of science and evidence into effective agrifood system decision-making processes remains a significant challenge. Science and evidence are essential for sound decision-making, but do not necessarily provide a singular course of action. Scientific findings may be limited by insufficient data, uncertainties, contrasting results, and can be contested. Decision-making is often influenced by a variety of both structural and behavioral drivers and barriers as well as numerous stakeholders with diverse values and with significant power asymmetries. The event will focus on supporting organized dialogue between scientists, policymakers and other relevant stakeholders in support of inclusive science- and evidence-based policy making for greater policy coherence, shared ownership and collective action for transforming agrifood systems. The FAO Science and Innovation Strategy, a key tool for the implementation of the FAO Strategic Framework 2022–31, focuses on three pillars including “Strengthening science and evidence-based decision-making”, which comprises “science-policy interfaces for agrifood systems strengthened” as one of its desired outcomes. Aligned with the Strategy, FAO is developing guidance for strengthening science-policy interfaces at the national level, helping to ensure that effective policy decisions are made based upon sufficient, relevant, and credible science and evidence, which will also be discussed at the event.
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