Realizing the Right to Food in a Changing World: The Right to Food Guidelines – 20 Years On and Beyond

Virtual Meeting
 Rome time

On Tuesday 10 December 2024, FAO invites you to the global launch event of "Realizing the Right to Food in a Changing World: Leaving No One Behind – The Right to Food Guidelines 20 Years On and Beyond."

This milestone event celebrates two decades of progress, addresses ongoing challenges, and sets future priorities for ensuring the right to food for all. Together, we will explore how the Right to Food Guidelines have influenced policies, addressed structural inequalities, and advanced inclusive agrifood systems worldwide.

With live connections from Rome, Geneva, and New York, the event will highlight the power of global collaboration and decisive action needed to eradicate hunger and malnutrition in the coming decade.

Don’t miss this opportunity to join the conversation, reflect on the journey so far, and reaffirm the essential role of human rights in achieving food security and nutrition for all.

Topics: Meeting
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