2022 World Pulses Day

World Pulses Day “Pulses to empower youth in achieving sustainable agrifood systems”

Virtual Meeting
 Rome time

The 2022 World Pulses Day’s theme will be: “Pulses to empower youth in achieving sustainable agrifood systems”. For this reason, the programme of the event is focused on testimonies and perspectives of youth organizations’ representatives. As the pulses sector includes a wide range of actors, providing employment to rural women and youth in farming communities and to urban families in the manufacturing sector. Pulses, therefore, contribute to creating livelihood opportunities and equity, which are also essential for sustainable agrifood systems.




EN: #WorldPulsesDay
ES: #DíaMundialDeLasLegumbres
AR: #اليوم_العالمي_للبقول 
FR: #JournéeMondialeDesLégumineuses
ZH: #世界豆类日#
RU: #ВсемирныйДеньЗернобобовых 
PT: #DiaMundialDasLeguminosas         


EN: #LovePulses
ES: #AmaLasLegumbres
AR: #أحب_البقول
FR: #AimezLesLégumineuses
ZH: #热爱豆类#
RU: #ЛюбитеЗернобобовые

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