World Agriculture Watch at the Committee on World Food Security
About 100 people attended the side event “What data supports family farming? How data and information systems can empower family farmers, advance goals of the UNDFF and guide better policy” co-organized by the World Agriculture Watch (WAW) and the International Land Coalition (ILC) on 17 October 2019 during the Committee on World Food Security - CFS 46. WAW and ILC discussed their potential to generate data that could inform public debate among policymakers, civil society and multistakeholders. Civil society organizations reflected on the usage made by family farming organizations of this data. ROPPA - Réseau des organisations paysannes et de producteurs de l'Afrique de l'Ouest - and the Asian Farmers’ Association For Sustainable Rural Development (AFA) highlighted the importance to make this data available on farmers’ platforms, to allow them to plan, orient and support investments and policies to support family farmers.
Next steps will focus on how to strengthen the linkages among all the existing initiatives targeted at family farming in order to support family farmers’ national committees and national platforms during the United Nations Decade of Family Farming. This support should also be connected to the official national statistical bodies.