WAW and IYFF 2014: achievements and way forward
WAW Secretariat was strongly involved and gained a high visibility along International Year of Family farming (IYFF). Asides from the participation of WAW Partners to the Regional dialogues preparing the global dialogue held in 27-28 October 2014, WAW actively contributed to the International Working Group (IWG) on criteria for the definition of Family Farming.
Indeed WAW was quoted in various IYFF Events and in the report of the Working Group. WAW is requested by FAO to further contribute to the improvement of the IWG report on criteria, which should be published, after a peer reviewing process, in June 2015. The Legacy Document, presented during the Global Dialogue on Family Farming was adopted by all Partners during the closing ceremony in Manila. This legacy document recommends continuation of FAO work on such topic of family Farming, including support to countries to build analysis of typologies of their agricultural holdings and their transformations.