World Agriculture Watch


27th of May 2013, Meeting “Towards an International Typology of Agricultural Holdings” at FAO Headquarters,  under the chairmanship of Thomas Elhaut (IFAD Director). The Consultants are presenting the first draft of the typology in front of IFAD, CIRAD, INRA  and FAO Colleagues (ESS, ESA, ESW, NRL and AGPM).   The minutes...
From left to right: Thomas ELHAUT (IFAD – director SSD), Maryam RAHMANIAN (Chair of the High Level Panel of Expert, CFS) and in the foreground Moujahed ACHOURI (FAO – Director NRL), Chair of the Meeting. WAW seized the opportunity of the presence of some WAW stakeholders during the CFS-40 to present...
The European & Central Asia regional dialogue of the International Year of Family farming (IYFF) took place in Brussels, Belgium, the 11th and 12st of December 2013. This regional dialogue aimed at gathering different regional actors to identify and discuss of family farming challenges, opportunities for agricultural investment, and policy...
The Asia-Pacific Regional Dialogue preparing the International Year of Family Farming (IYFF), was organized in Bangkok, on the  21st and 22nd of November 2013. This regional dialogue aimed at gathering different regional actors to identify and discuss of family farming challenges, opportunities for agricultural investment, and policy priorities to achieve...
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