World Agriculture Watch


With the aim of targeting policies towards smallholders, Tunisia has recently joined the WAW network and inter-regional collaboration will be facilitated by a newly approved TCP.  This TCP aims to reinforce national capacities to better analyze the diversity of agricultural holdings within the country, feeding into more targeted policy and...
INRA and CIRAD produced an updated report proposing a characterization of the French agricultural holdings based on data coming from the censuses 2000 and 2010.  A comparison is initiated and leads to trends of transformations achieved during these last 10 years in France. The report builds on the outcomes of the...
Every 10 years, FAO revises the countries’ experiences and lessons learnt, regarding census implementation. FAO  then prepares the revised census guidelines with improved census methodology. WAW actively participated to the preparation process of the WCA 2020, Programme to be issued by FAO in 2015 for the period 2016-2025. The latest...
WAW Secretariat is developing an interregional TCP with the main goal of reinforcing countries’ capacities to generate improved knowledge on the diversity and transformations of holdings, including family farms, to inform ongoing policy dialogue, while facilitating inter-regional exchange and valorisation of work among country partners. The project proposes two main outputs...
On the 13th of January 2015, the report testing the WAW typology framework in France, produced by INRA and CIRAD, was presented to colleagues from the French Ministry of Agriculture. This meeting was chaired by Chief of the economic and evaluation analysis unit in the Center of Prospective, Foresight and...