World Agriculture Watch

The report testing the WAW typology framework in France, presented and discussed at the French Ministry of Agriculture


On the 13th of January 2015, the report testing the WAW typology framework in France, produced by INRA and CIRAD, was presented to colleagues from the French Ministry of Agriculture. This meeting was chaired by Chief of the economic and evaluation analysis unit in the Center of Prospective, Foresight and Studies (Centre d’études et de prospective, CEP, ). Pierre-Marie-Bosc (CIRAD) , Céline Bignebat and Philippe Perrier Cornet (INRA)  presented their work based on an analysis of data from the French census 2000.

The report is based on an analysis using 3 main criteria: type of  labor used, legal status, and type of market integration (distinguishing on farm sales from sales to intermediates). The discussion confirmed the interest of the proposed framework  but the need to further delineate the predominant family farm categories and to provide more integrated analysis of the different characteristics of the farm along social, economic and environmental indicators. It was suggested to better take also into account the land issues (capital, tenure, access) and the diversification (off-farm activities). An articulated set of comments provided directions for further improvement of the report and further analysis to be conducted on the French census 2010. Such discussion also provides rich ground for further improving the WAW framework and confirms the high need to work closely with users of such kind of work.