WAW and World Program for Agricultural Censuses (WCA2020)
Every 10 years, FAO revises the countries’ experiences and lessons learnt, regarding census implementation. FAO then prepares the revised census guidelines with improved census methodology. WAW actively participated to the preparation process of the WCA 2020, Programme to be issued by FAO in 2015 for the period 2016-2025. The latest draft has now included labor, as an essential variables to be collected in the agricultural censuses. It also clearly states the definition of Family Farming and typologies of agricultural holdings among the key uses of census.
Among others, WAW prepared a written extensive contribution, based both on the WAW work, inputs from the various network members, assessment of evaluation WCA2010 and major reports on family farming, including CIRAD report and HLPE report on small holders. Such assessment notably suggested to include structural key variables such as labor in the core variables to be collected, and highlighted the relevance and need for typology based analysis of census for policy, including definition of family farming category. Such contribution was quoted and used in the report of the International Working Group (IWG) of the2014 IYFF.