Webinar – Global Partnerships in the Fight against Fusarium wilt TR4

Join us for the upcoming World Banana Forum webinar on Global Partnerships in the Fight against Fusarium wilt TR4.
Thursday, 12 October 15:30 - 18:00 CET.
The purpose of this webinar is to showcase the work of various alliances and partnerships engaged in combating Foc TR4 and provide insights into their projects, initiatives, and research efforts, highlighting their achievements and innovative approaches. The goal is to foster collaboration and knowledge sharing within the community dedicated to addressing Foc TR4.
- Share current and future actions carried out by the different alliances working on Foc TR4.
- Identify priority areas of action among stakeholders to prevent, control and manage TR4.
- Identify potential areas of collaboration and synergies among organizations and partnerships working on TR4 prevention, diagnosis, surveillance, management and research.