Fruit Attraction 23 – Climate change: the banana industry as an example to follow.
Wednesday, 4 October 15:00 – 16:00 CET
This discussion shed light on ongoing initiatives and upcoming projects undertaken the WBF, producer associations, and European authorities with regards to climate change. The carbon and water footprint (CWF) tool developed by WBF (FAO) was presented, along with its most recent developments. Several Latin American producer associations that piloted the tool in some of their farms shared their favorable feedback, stressing the importance of monitoring emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) and water consumption/degradation at both farm and company levels. A representative from the European Financial Reporting Advisory group (EFRAG) delineated the general disclosures, actions, metrics and targets that companies will soon be required to establish and comply with, as defined by the upcoming European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) E1 on Climate Change.
Recording available here: Climate Change
Username: [email protected] / Password: Grabaciones23.
- Victor Prada, Secretary of the World Banana Forum (WBF), Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
- Matheus Lima, Environment and Sustainability Specialist at WBF
- Nicanor Cabrera, Quality Manager at AgroFair
- Jose Madriz, Coordinator for Banana Production and Trade in Costa Rica at CLAC
- Sergio Laprade, Coordinator of the Banana Environmental Commission at CORBANA
- Pedro Faria, Environmental Lead at EFRAG