
FAO Director-General starts 24-hour hunger strike

On the eve of FAO's Hunger Summit, Director-General Jacques Diouf embarks on a 24-hour public hunger strike to express his solidarity for more than 1 billion people around the world who are suffering from chronic hunger.

The role of youth in combating hunger and poverty

George Fernandez, President of MIJARC, discusses the importance of maintaining the dignity of agriculture and the vital role that youth play in breaking the cycle of hunger and poverty. MIJARC is an organization of young people, for young people, with young people. © FAO

Collaboration with farmers in poverty reduction

Elisabeth Atangana, President of the Sub-Regional Platform of Peasant Organizations of Central Africa (PROPAC), discusses the urgent need for good collaboration and effective involvement of farmer organizations in the process of poverty reduction. PROPAC, is an organization representing small-holders, rural entrepreneurs and the vulnerable rural population (women and youth). © FAO

Women are the solution to fighting hunger

Jeannette Gurung, Director of WOCAN on how women are not only a part of the solution, they are THE solution to fighting hunger and poverty. WOCAN facilitates global fora spaces to ensure women farmers and rural women participate in the process for change. © FAO

Accréditation des médias

En route pour le Sommet

Trois événements majeurs ont préparé le terrain pour le Sommet:

Le Forum d’experts de haut niveau «Comment Nourrir le Monde en 2050» s'est penché sur les options politiques envisageables par les gouvernements pour être en mesure de nourrir la population mondiale lorsqu’elle culminera à près de 9,2 milliards de personnes au milieu du siècle.

Le Comité de la sécurité alimentaire mondiale a examiné les réformes qui lui permettront de jouer un rôle plus efficace dans la gouvernance mondiale de la sécurité alimentaire.

La Journée mondiale de l'alimentation cette année porte sur les moyens d’atteindre la sécurité alimentaire en temps de crise.

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