In its efforts to promote human and labour rights in the fisheries and aquaculture sector, FAO GLOBEFISH, together with CIHEAM Zaragoza, is organizing the International Advanced Course on Promoting Decent Working Conditions in Fisheries, which will take place on 19-23 May 2025 in Isla Cristina (Huelva, Spain). The deadline for applications is 9 February 2025. More information about the course is  available here.
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In 2024 the FAO GLOBEFISH project celebrates its 40th anniversary, marking four decades of analysis and dissemination of data and publications on sustainable production, trade and markets. 

The FAO Guidance document “Advancing end-to-end traceability” aims at developing insights and addressing gaps in developing and implementing traceability systems along capture fisheries and aquaculture value chains for both the private sector and government.  Click here to browse the publication in English and French.

The report is an expansion of the first report, “Mapping Distant-Water Fisheries Access Arrangements” published in 2022, and it conducts a more targeted examination of the economic dynamics, policy drivers, and institutional framework of fishing access arrangements (FAA) through six case studies. In particular, three resource-holding countries or regions (Ghana, Namibia and the Pacific Island Countries and Territories), and three resource‑seeking countries or regions (Japan, the European Union and China) are examined.

What's new
Product classification is a key element in international trade. The publication Harmonized System (HS) Codes for fisheries and aquaculture products – Nomenclature 2022, developed by FAO GLOBEFISH in collaboration with the World Customs Organizations (WCO), builds on the Harmonized System 2017 Edition and provides an internationally recognized product classification system. It is used for many purposes, including import duties, rules of origin, freight documents and statistics.

FAO GLOBEFISH is a multi-donor funded project established in 1984 within the Fisheries and Aquaculture Division of FAO (NFI) to produce and disseminate up-to-date information and analysis on trade and markets for fisheries and aquaculture products.

FAO GLOBEFISH promotes and facilitates information exchange among the seafood industry, governments, academia and stakeholders worldwide, providing a platform for capacity-building, coordination and dialogue. 

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Recent news
Regional Workshop in Dakar, Senegal, to improve the working conditions for fishers in the Region

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Regional festival of sustainable fisheries and Aquaculture, La Paz, Mexico

The third edition of the Regional Festival of Sustainable Fisheries and aquaculture, organized by the Intercultural Center for the Study of Deserts...

47th Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC47) is over!

The 47th Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC47) was held physically in Geneva, Switzerland, from 25 to 30 November 2024.


Recent Publications
European Price Report December 2024

With the holiday season approaching, sales are becoming brisk and demand is far better than last year, when considerations of inflation and high prices...

Distant-water fisheries access arrangements: mapping and institutional and economic perspectives

This is a summary report that outlines the information contained in the “Mapping distant-water Fisheries Access Arrangements” report (2022) and the...

GLOBEFISH Highlights Fourth Issue 2024

Global fisheries and aquaculture production is projected to increase by 2.2 percent to nearly 192 million tonnes in 2024, with wild catch volumes recovering...

Small-Scale Fisheries and FAO GLOBEFISH

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Fisheries and Aquaculture Division (NFI) of FAO
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00153 Rome, Italy

[email protected]