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Invitations for participation were sent to the governments of 22 developing countries. Eight of these governments were unable to nominate candidates; the other 14 submitted 25 nominations. Eighteen of these nominations were accepted from the following regions: Africa (5), Asia and the Far East (6), Europe (6) and Latin America (1). Unfortunately, it later proved impossible for the South American participant to attend, reducing the number to 17. The countries represented were Ceylon, Dahomey, Hungary, India, Madagascar, Nigeria, Philippines, Poland, Romania, Thailand, Uganda, United Arab Republic and Yugoslavia.

The participants (Appendix 4) were all fishery officers directly engaged in fish breeding or related work. All of them had some years of experience in this work and had advanced degrees in fishery biology or allied sciences.

An administrative staff consisting of U.S.S.R. and FAO personnel was organized for the Seminar/Study Tour. The U.S.S.R. staff consisted of a Director, a Deputy Director, a Secretary, three English interpreters and three French interpreters. FAO provided a Co-Director, an Assistant Co-Director and a Secretary (see Appendix 2).

FAO appointed three lecturers for the Seminar/Study Tour namely: Dr.H.Chaudhuri (India), Dr.W.F.Childers (U.S.A.) and Mr.K.E.Sneed (U.S.A.). Drs.W.G.Wohlfarth and R.Moav (Israel) prepared the text of a talk which was delivered on their behalf by Mr.Sneed. From U.S.S.R., specialists were co-opted from the Academy of Sciences (two lecturers), the All-Union Research Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography (two lecturers), the Ukrainian Fisheries Research Institute (two lecturers), the Scientific Research Institute on Lake and River Fisheries (five lecturers), and the All-Union Pond Fishery Institute (two lecturers - see Appendix 3).

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