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International Neem Network – Data Analysis Workshop
21-25 March 2001,
Arid Forest Research Institute,
Jodhpur, India


List of participants

Mr Sié Kambou
Centre national de semences forestières
01 BP 2682,
Ouagadougou 01
Tel: + 226 35 61 11/35 80 13
Fax: + 226 35 61 10
Email: [email protected]

Mr Søren Hald
Danida Forest Seed Centre
Krogerupvej 21
DK 3050 Humlebaek
Tel.: + 45 49 19 05 00
Email: [email protected]

Mr. Peter Iversen
Danida Forest Seed Centre
Krogerupvej 21
DK 3050 Humlebaek, DENMARK
(new address:
FAO, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
00100 Rome, ITALY.
Fax: + 39 06 570 55 137
Email: [email protected]

Mr. Jan Svejgaard Jensen
Danida Forest Seed Centre
Krogerupvej 21
DK 3050 Humlebaek

Mr C.J.S.K. Emmanuel
Arid Forest Research Institute
P.O. Krishi Mandi
Bhagar Ki Kothi
New Pali Road
Jodhpur 342 005
Rajasthan, INDIA.
Tel: +91 291 744 212 (O)
+91 291 745 624 (H)
Fax +91 291 742 764
Email: [email protected]

Mr Siddappa
Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree
PB 1061, Coimbatore 641 002
Tel: + 91 0422 431540 (O) 451381
Fax: + 91 0422 430 549
Email: [email protected]  

Mr R.M. Singhal
Deputy Director-General
Indian Council of Forestry
Research and Education
PO New Forest
Dehra Dun 248006, INDIA
Tel/Fax: + 91 135 754776
Email: [email protected]

Mr Pierre Sigaud
Forestry Officer (Genetic Resources)
FAO, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
00100 Rome , ITALY.
Tel: + 39 06 570 55 135
Fax: + 39 06 570 55 137
Email: [email protected]

Mr. Oulathong Vor Viengkham
National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute (NAFRI)
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
P.O. Box 7174
Vientiane, LAO PDR.
Tel: + 856 732 047/732 309 /732 297 (O)
+ 856 21 513 138 (Cel.)
Fax: + 856 21 732 047
Email: [email protected]

Mr Daniel Baskaran K.
Asia Pacific Association of Forestry Research Institutions
Forest Research Institute of Malaysia
52109 Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA.
Email: [email protected]

Mr. H.B. Thapa
Department of Forest
Research and Survey
Babar Mahal
PO Box 3339
Kathmandu, NEPAL.
Tel: + 977 1 220671/220482
Fax: + 977 1 220159
Email: [email protected]

Mr. John Mtika
National Tree Seed Project
P.O. Box 373
Morogoro, TANZANIA.
Phone: + 255 023 3192
Fax: + 255 023 3275
Email: [email protected]  

Mr. Suksan Saiwa
Chief, Silviculture Research Centre 5
c/o Mr Pravit Chittachumnonk
Forest Research Office
Royal Forest Department
61, Phaholyothin Road
Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900
Tel & Fax: + 662 561 14 809




Mr R.P.S. Katwal
Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education
PO New Forest
Dehra Dun 248006, INDIA

Mr P. Rosenegger
FAO Representative in India and Bhutan
PO Box 3088
New Delhi 110 003

Mr D.C. Sood
Principal Chief Conservator of Forests
Governement of Rajasthan

Data Analysis Workshop of the International Neem Network
Arid Forest Research Institute, Jodhpur, India, 21 – 25 March 2001




The following cooperation principles for the network were discussed and approved at the Second International Consultation on Neem in Jodhpur, India, 1994:

1. Free availability to all network collaborators of seed for research purposes on an exchange basis.

2. Adoption of standardized trial designs and standardized evaluation procedures.

3. Free availability to all network collaborators of trial and research results.

4. Provenance seed collection/handling/despatch for trials included in the programme will be carried out by cooperating countries and support will be provided or sought by Network members.

5. Complementary studies (phenology, genetic diversity/reproductive biology, seed physiology) will be undertaken through specific research projects discussed and approved by the network collaborators. Each project has a coordinator and will be presented for funding to interested agencies, as a research module supporting the neem improvement network programme.

6. Each network collaborator can be involved in the various activities according to interest and capability.

7. Each participating country has a national focal institution (NFI) which coordinates the network activities at the national level.

8. The Network is operating under the coordination of a Panel formed by representatives of NFIs of 3 participating countries, plus CIRAD-Forêt (France), DANIDA Forest Seed Centre (DFSC, Denmark), the UNDP/FAO Regional Tree Improvement Project (FORTIP), IPGRI and FAO. Overall coordination is entrusted to FAO.

The initial group of network collaborators (representing 24 countries) will be progressively open to other collaborators who adhere to the above principles.


Oudara Souvannavong
FAO, FOR, 1994

International Neem Network
List of Publications by the Network, 1994 - 2000


Guidelines /booklets

Colour of booklet

Objectives and main content of the guidelines/ booklets

Guidelines for Identification, Delineation and Description of Neem Seed Sources (1994). Published in "Newsletter of International Neem Network" Vol. I. No. 2. June 1994.


The objective of these technical guidelines is set common procedure in order to be able to compare the characteristics of the seed sources and to describe the seed sources in such a way that repeated collection can be undertaken. Guidelines are provided for sampling strategy, characteristics of tree stands suitable for inclusion, delineation of seed sources and description of identified seed sources.

Procedures for seed collection and exchange (1995)


The objective of these technical guidelines is to obtain optimal quality (both genetically and physiologically) of seed to be used in the international provenance trials. Guidelines are provided for seed collection, seed processing, seedlot documentation, packing and despatch and seed germination testing.

Revised Procedures and Design in Trial Establishment

1. Nursery Phase (1995)


The objective of these technical guidelines is to ensure that the identity of the plants is kept recorded throughout the nursery phase; and to assist in improving survival rates during the nursery phase. Guidelines are provided for seed receipt, seed testing, period for nursery operations, type of planting stock, preparing nursery beds, sowing and tending, design and lay-out of nursery beds, labelling and plant preparation before transplanting in the field.

Revised Procedures and Design in Trial Establishment

2. Field Trials (1996)


The objective of these technical guidelines is to provide a basis for choice of trial design. Recommendations are given on how to design statistically sound trials. It was considered unrealistic and not desirable to follow a standard design. The design needs to be adjusted to local conditions and to the seedlings available for each trial. The Network offered technical assistance to collaborators which might have required it in the design phase.

Assessment of International Neem Provenance Trials.

1. Core Characters, year 1-5 (1997)


The objective of these technical guidelines is to facilitate the assessment of the trials within the first five years. The overall objective of assessing the trials is to provide guidelines on the choice of seed sources of neem for given sites and end uses. The guidelines include a minimum set of characters (core characters) to be assessed as well as a list of optional characters.

Seed Source Descriptions (1998)


The objective of this review is to compile all relevant information into a unique booklet to be made available to all collaborators. The booklet contains detailed seed source descriptions (including maps) of the 25 seed sources included in the international provenance trials.

Trial Site Descriptions (2000)


The objective of this descriptive manual is to compile all relevant information available on trials and trial sites. A first draft of this booklet has been sent to all Network collaborators for comments.


Trial Date of latest assessment Characters assessed
Health Survival Height Diameter Straightness Number of stems Crown diameter Flowering intensity Seed production Nber of leaves by twig Statistical analysis of data Results documented
Bangladesh Charaljani Information not available
Bangladesh Charkai 6/00   yes yes yes           yes no no
Burkina Faso - Gonse 12/98     yes yes             yes yes
India, Jodhpur1 12/99  yes yes yes yes   yes   yes yes   yes yes
India, Jodhpur2 12/99 yes yes yes yes   yes   yes yes   yes yes
India, Jaipur No information
India, Jabalpur No information
India Panampally 05/99 yes yes yes yes yes     yes     yes yes
Lao PDR 07/99 yes yes yes yes   yes yes       no no
Mali 1 No information
Mali 2 No information
Myanmar 1 02/01 yes yes yes yes yes yes         no no
Myanmar 2 02/01  yes yes yes yes yes yes         yes yes
Myanmar 3 02/01  yes yes yes yes yes yes         yes yes
Nepal Jhanjhatpur No information
Nepal Shankarnagar 02/99   yes yes yes             no no
Pakistan No information
Sri Lanka - Halmillakulama 10/99   yes                 no no
Tanzania Chamwino 09/97   yes yes yes             yes yes
Tanzania, Mkundi 09/97 yes yes yes yes             yes yes
Tanzania, Ubena 06/96   yes                 no no
Tanzania Kwalukonge ?   yes                 no no
Thailand Kamphaengphet 01/00  yes yes yes yes yes yes yes       yes yes
Thailand Kanchanaburi 05/98 yes yes yes yes yes yes yes       yes no
Vietnam Ba Vi No information
Vietnam Tuy Phong No information

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