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13. Market access

At the time of the study there was conflicting information regarding the ease by which product was being formally imported. Some importers did express problems. Others admitted that they had resorted to supplies from the accompanied baggage route. There were no country bans for product from Nigeria and Ghana in the UK, yet from Ghana there was only one EU authorised exporter sending consignments to the UK and two from Nigeria. Nevertheless, there are problems related to sanitary controls, which restrict access of some product. These are described in the Constraints to Trade section below.

In order to improve market access for product from Ghana it is understood that an EU grant of £100 000 was provided for the construction of an authorized exporting establishment. Several UK traders mentioned that the plant had not been built and were disappointed nothing had so far come of the initiative.

There is no customs duty or VAT to pay on smoked fish. Costs the importer incurs include the following:

Border inspection

Gatwick £35, Heathrow £70, Brussels £40 (depending on weight)

Handling charges at airport


Transport to customs shed


Agents clearing charge

£40 per consignment

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