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Asian Development Bank. 2001. Participatory Poverty Assessment in Lao PDR, Manille, 108p.

Banque Mondiale. 2003. LAO PDR Land Titling Project II, February 24-28, 2003 World Bank/AusAid Pre-Appraisal Mission, Aide Mémoire, 8 p.+annexes.

Bantheung Keoketsy, Soukanh Bounthabandid & Jonas Noven. 2000. Monitoring and evaluation of Land Use Planning and Land Allocation Impacts 1998-2000 MAF/NAFRI/FIPD, Lao Swedish Forestry Programme, 58 pages, Septembre 2000

Bounthavy Sisouphanthong & Taillard Christian. 2000. Atlas du Laos de la RDPL: les structures territoriales du développement économique et social, CNRS-Liber Géo-La Documentation Française, Paris, Reclus coll. “ Dynamiques du Territoire “, 160 p.

Chamberlain James R. & Panh Phomsombath. 2003. Poverty Alleviation for All: potentials and options for the people in the uplands”, Embassy of Sweden, 1/09/2003, Vientiane, 75 p.+annexes.

Chansamone Phengkhay. 1999. Women and Land Allocation in Lao PDR, Thesis submitted for the degree of Master of Science, Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand, August 1999. 82p.

Chazee Laurent. 1998. Evolution des systèmes de production ruraux en République Démocratique Populaire du Laos 1975-1995, Paris, L’Harmattan, coll. Recherches Asiatiques, 429 p.

Childress Malcolm. 2003. Technical Note from Assignment: Land Policy Dimensions of Indonesia Land Management and Policy Development Project, Philippines Land Management and Administration Project, Lao PDR Land Titling, FAO 27/03/03, 14p.

DONLUPAD. 2002. Issues and Options in a Policy and Strategy Program for Land Adminstration and Land Use Planning in Lao PDR, Discussion Paper, November 2002, 35p.

Dr. Loes Schenk-Sandbergen, Ir. Hermien Rodenburg, Chansamone Phengkhay. 1997. Land, Gender and social issues in Lao PDR: towards gender sensitive land titling, AusAid, Vientiane, Novembre 1997, 156p.

FAO. 2002. Initial Participatory rural appraisal and socio-economic baseline survey in the four provinces of Luang Namtha, Oudomxay, Vientiane and Bolikhamxay, Final Report (4 vol.), FAO/Government Cooperative Programme, Special Programme for Food Security and South-South Cooperation, Bureau d’Etudes Lao (BEL) & SPFS Project Management Unit (PMU), FAO, Vientiane, Février 2002, 1er vol. = main report: 101p.+annexes.

GoL. 2003. National Poverty Eradication Programme (NPEP), Eight Round Table Meeting, Vientiane, September 4-5 2003, 151p. + Annexes.

Goudineau Yves (ed.). 1997. Basic Needs of Resettled Communities in Lao PDR, PNUD/IRD/UNESCO, Undp Vientiane, 1997, 390p (vol.1: main report 186p.; vol.2: regional reports 204p.)

Hansen Peter Kurt, Houmchitsavath Sodarak & Sianouvong Savathvong. 1997 b. Teak Production by shifting cultivators in Northern Lao PDR, Shifting Cultivation Research Sub-programme, Lao-Swedish Forestry Programme, Technical Report n°9, July 1997, 12p.

Lao Women Union - GRID. 1999. Gender and Land Documents: How do society’s perceptions of gender affect women? July 1999, 13p.

Leonard Rebeca & Kingkorn Narintarakul Na Ayutthaya. 2003. “Taking land from the poor, giving land to the rich”, Watershed vol.8 n°2 pp.14-25.

MAF. 2000. Manuel d’allocation foncière: vulgarisation, monitoring et évaluation, MAF, Dept of Forestry, Unité de réduction de l’agriculture sur brûlis et de vulgarisation agricole (RSCEC) & NAFES, Octobre 2000, 104p. (en langue lao: khongkan youd ti kan tang pa hèd hay lè chad san hasib khong ti; phum khou meu mob din mob pa: kan souk you song seum lè tid tam kouad ka pa men fon)

MAF. 2003. Forestry Strategy 2020, 65p., 2nd draft

MoF (DoL). 2002 a. Land Titling Project II: Land Administration Review (by Land Equity International). March 2002, 87p.

MoF (DoL). 2002 b. Existing Land Tenure and Forest Lands Study, Lao Consulting Group, Land Tilting Project, Avril 2002, 109p.

MoF (DoL). 2002 c. Final Household Report of the Social Assessment for the six served provinces and two unserved provinces of the Lao PDR Land Titling Project, Burapha Development Consultants, October 2002, 55p. + annexes

MoF (DoL). 2003. Lao Land Titling Project: Socio-Economic Baseline Study, Draft Final Report, September 2003, Lahmeyer International & Lao Consulting Group, 105p.+annexes.

Mohr Benjamin. 2003. Participatory Land Use Planning and Land Allocation, Lao-German Rural Development in Mountainous Areas in Northern Laos, final draft version, Vientiane, 4 December 2003, 47p.

NAFRI/LSUAFRP. 2002. Land use planning and land management issues in Phonesay district (LP province), 17-27/09/02, 37 p.

NAFRI/LSUAFRP. 2003 a. Land Use Planning and Land Management Activities in Na Mo district, 20-30 avril 2003, 19p.

NAFRI/LSUAFRP. 2003 b. Land Use Planning and Land Management Research Activities in Phonexay District (19th to 31th May 2003), 23 p.

NAFRI/LSUAFRP. 2003 c. Field Report on Indigenous Soil Taxonomy, Household Level Diagnostic, Survey and Market Research in Phonesay District, June 2003, 24p.

Rock Florien. 2003. Improvement and Adaptation of the Land Use Planning/Land Allocation Process in the RDMA Program Areas of Luang Namtha and Bokeo, Rural Development in Mountainous Areas of Northern Laos (CPC-GTZ), Vientiane, 7 December 2003, 27p.

Thongpath Leuangkhamma, Somsak Sysomvang & Jones Peter. 2001a. Land Use Planning and Land Allocation, Land Use Planning Unit, Forest Inventory and Planning Centre, NAFRI, Dept of Forestry, MAF, February 2001, 22p. (anglais) + 30p. (Lao).

Thongpath Leuangkhamma, Somsak Sysomvang & Jones Peter. 2001 b. Participatory Land Use Planning and Land Allocation, Land Use Planning Unit, Forest Inventory and Planning Centre, NAFRI, Dept of Forestry, MAF, June 2001, 144p.

UNDP. 2001. National Human Development Report Lao PDR 2001: Advancing Rural Development. Vientiane, 189 p. [Chapitre 6: Human Ecology and Rural Livelihoods, pp. 71-95]

Viphakone Sipadit, Houmchitsavath Sodarak & Hansen Peter Kurt. 1997 a. Land Allocation: the experiences of the Shifting Cultivation Stabilization Sub-programme, Shifting Cultivation Research Sub-programme, Lao-Swedish Forestry Programme, Technical Report n°3, Luang Prabang, August 1997, 10p.

Zakout Wael. 2002 Laos: preserving women’s rights in land titling, Innovative Activity Profile, Land Titling Project,, 3p.

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