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37. The Secretariat reported that, at its XVI Conference of Ministers held in Lima, Peru, in August 2004, OLDEPESCA had proposed the conduct of a feasibility study on the creation a cooperation network for aquaculture in Latin America, with the objective of supporting the development of the sector through a horizontal cooperation mechanism that would promote the exchange of knowledge, experience and technology. It also stated that, while the proposal for the creation of a network had been approved, no initiatives had yet been presented to define the next steps to be taken, but that in any case the Office of the Executive Director of OLDEPESCA had expressed its willingness to support any further efforts of its member countries to establish a regional cooperation network for aquaculture.

38. The expert from Mexico reported that his country had supported OLDEPESCA's decision and had offered to host the network.

39. Various expert participants in the workshop who were familiar with the activities of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (APEC) reported that this organization had embarked on the conduct of a feasibility study on the establishment of an intergovernmental cooperation mechanism for the development of aquaculture. The objectives of this study were to critically assess the current regional situation, to determine and propose an institutional and organizational structure, to identify the necessary requisites of a network, and to hold a regional workshop to examine the proposal.

40. Even though the geographical scope of the network referred to all the countries of the Americas, the study would focus on the APEC economies (Canada, USA, Mexico, Peru and Chile) plus Ecuador and Brazil. The analysis would then extend to other countries or economies of the region depending on the availability of time, financial resources and secondary data and information. The study had begun in March 2004 and would conclude in April 2005 and was expected to produce an appraisal document, a regional workshop and a proposal for the establishment of an intergovernmental mechanism for the creation and administration of an aquaculture network for the Americas.

41. The results of the contributions, conclusions and recommendations of the participants on these alternative initiatives for the creation of a regional cooperation network for aquaculture are incorporated in the summary presented from paragraphs 42 to 51.

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