The High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) is the United Nations body for assessing the science related to world food security and nutrition.

It provides independent, comprehensive and evidence-based analysis, and elaborates its  studies through a scientific, transparent and inclusive process.


Do you know the HLPE-FSN?

Watch the video to find out who we are and how the HLPE-FSN experts work to achieve food security and improve nutrition for all.

News and insights
Call for experts on Indigenous Peoples’ food and knowledge systems

Open until 16 December 2024.

Urban garden
Unlocking the potential of urban food systems: insights from the HLPE-FSN report and FAO’s work for a food-secure world

Corinna Hawkes, Director, Agrifood Systems and Food Safety Division, FAO

Jane Battersby during the launch of the HLPE-FSN report on urban and peri-urban food systems
1.7 billion people in urban and peri-urban areas face food insecurity

New HLPE-FSN report highlights urgent need to strengthen urban and peri-urban food systems...



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Meet the Steering Committee

15 world-renowned experts, appointed by the Bureau of the UN Committee on World Food Security (CFS) to serve as members of the Steering Committee of the HLPE-FSN, from the closure of CFS 51 Plenary session until the closure of the CFS Plenary session of October 2025.

The HLPE-FSN working procedures ensure legitimacy among stakeholders and a high degree of scientific quality: they involve broad stakeholder consultations and the incorporation of different forms of knowledge and expertise, as well as a rigorous scientific peer-review process.