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Appendix two - Acknowledgements & persons consulted

Appendix two - Acknowledgements & persons consulted


The director and staff of the Department of Fisheries in Vanuatu have helped me considerably in researching the aims of this study and in facilitating my domestic travel and interview opportunities. The extension staff in Malampa, Tafea, Shefa and Sanrna provinces were particularly supportive.



Torba Province:

Ngerenigman village, Var village, Kweyemangde village, Valuwa village.

Sanma Province:

Harbour, Nakere village,?Tanowol village.

Penama Province:

Lolowai, Lovonivili village, Tavalovola village, Lolovinua village.

Malampa Province:

village, Uripiv Island, Sanwar village (Wala mainland). Serser village (Wala Island), Dravail village, Aulua village, Fotinweiu (Atchin mainland)

Shefa Province:

Siviri village, Saama village, Takara village,?Epule village, Epao village, Forari village, Eton village, Ifira Island

Tafea Province:

Itaromara & Isia village

Department of Fisheries

Dorosday Kenneth


Lillian Sokomanu

Personal Assistant

Nettie Joseph

Information Technologist

Naomi Sope

Administrator/ Accountant

Peter James

Senior Extension Officer (Southern)

Glen Alo

Extension Officer, Sanma Province

Kaven Mores & Brownie Dona

Extension Officers, Malampa Province

Andrew Firiam

Extension Officer, Shefa Province

Wilson Yuri

Extension Officer, Tafea Province

Fabian Mabel

Principal Fisheries Extension Officer, Vila

William Naviti

Principal Fisheries Officer (Northem)

Henry Takau

Enforcement Officer, Vila

Moses Amos

Principal Research Officer, Vila

Robert Jimmy

Research Officer, Vila

Pakoa Kalo

Research Officer, Vila

Felix N'guyen

Research Officer, Vila

Simon Maeve

Previous manager, Fisheries Training Centre, Luganville, Santo

Joseph Ouma

Deputy manager, Fisheries Training Centre, Luganville, Santo

Wesley Obed

Surveillance Officer, Vila

Wesley Samuel

Luganville, Santo

Karie, David, Henry & John

Fisheries officers, Vila

Government departments

Ben Asmus

Department of Rural Business & Cooperatives, Lakatoro, Malekula Island

Alice Athi

Rural Water Supply Department, Vila

Ernest Bani

Director, Environment Department, Vila

Jacob Isaiah &: Paul Collins

Senior statistician and Consultant, Statistics Office. NPSO, Vila

Peter Kalmos

Department of Youth, Sport & Community Development, Luganville, Santo

Donna Kalfatak

Environment Department, Vila

Hanson Matas Kelekele

Secondary Curriculum Coordinator, Curriculum Development Centre, Department of Education, Vila

Lyn Muller & Marie Kota

Women's Business Unit, Department of Rural Business & Cooperatives, Vila

Miriam Abel & Merena Laklotal

Department of Health, Vila

Theto Nimae Moses

Dietician, Department of Health, Vila

Gaston * & Russell Nari

Environment Department, Vila

John Niroa

Headmaster, Malapoa College, Vila

George Plant & Johnson Naviti

Resource Advisors, National Planning & Statistics Office, Vila

Madlene Regenvanu

Department of Women's Affairs, Norsup, Malekula Island

John Wasi Selwyn

Principal Extension Officer, Department of Agriculture & Liveestock, Vila

Juliet Sumbe

Department of Women's Affairs Luganville, Santo

Job Talesa

First Secretary, Ministry of Justice, Culture & Women's Affairs, Vila

Japin Tari

Department of Industry, Trade & Commerce, Vila

Gloria Tarileo

Department of Women's Affairs, Isangel, Tanna Island

Roselyne Tor

Director, Department of Women's Affairs, Vila

Non-Government organisations, individuals & firms

Albert Adams

Luganville, Santo

Derek Alexander

Loans Officer, Development Bank of Vanuatu, Luganville, Santo

Jim Anderson

Marine Research & Assessment Group (MRAG), London. U.K.

Marilyne Arhnambath

Mayoress, Luganville, Santo

Simon Bea

Director, World Vision Vanuatu, Vila

Renold Boeson

Vanair Air Cargo manager, Vila

Ann Carlo

Director, Vanuatu National Council of Women, Vila

Celia, Estella & Doralyn

Seventh Day Adventist Dorcas Society, Luganville, Santo

Andrea Fella

Loans Officer, Development Bank of Vanuatu, Vila

Sue Flemming

Department of Social Anthropology, University of Manchester Manchester, U. K.

Kathy Fry

Foundation for the Peoples of the South Pacific, Vila

Augustin Garae

Director, Development Bank of Vanuatu, Vila

Roslyn Garae

Natai Fish Market, Vila

Francis Hickey

CUSO, Luganville, Santo

Caroline Kami

Buyer/middleman, Erakor Island


VNCW representative, Torba Province

Marian Kaun

Rural Skills Training Program, Vila

Mr Kwon

Hong Shell Products Co. (Vanuatu) Ltd., Vila

John Laan

Peace Corps, Vila

Moira Bloom & Anne-Marie Lalonde

Vanuatu Association of Non-government Organisations (VANGO), Vila

Michel Lardy,

Director, ORSTOM, Vila

Lidia Lee

Santo Fish Market, Luganville. Santo

Rolenas Lolo

ex-Director, Vanuatu National Council of Women, Vila

Charles Long Wah

Kava Store, Vila

Faye Lowe

Save the Children Fund Australia, Vila

Charles Maon

Anglican Church, Luganville, Santo

Rod Menere

Director, Save the Children Fund Australia, Vila

Jocelyn Mete

British High Commission' Vila

Helen Michael

Vanuatu Rural Development Training Centres Association, Vila

Agnes * & Jean Mitchell

CUSO (Canadian University Students' Organisation), Vila

Augustin & Anne Pheu

Owners/managers, La Touque a Poisson, Vila

Garry Preston

Fisheries consultant, Noumea, New Caledonia

Mark Ramsden

New Zealand High Commission, Vila

Ralph Regenvanu

Director, Vanuatu Cultural Centre, Vila

Mark Robertson & Marian*

ANZ Bank (Vanuatu) Limited, Vila

Marie Sadlam

Vila Toun Council of Women, Vila

Lai Sakita

National Community Development Trust, Vila

Noa Saksak

Vanuatu Credit Union, Vila

Idau Nafuki, Leisale Mangawai, Mary Luan, Anna Samson

Presbyterian Women Member's Union, Vila

Margaret Sarki

Church of Christ office, Luganville, Santo

Toulel Sope

Foundation for the Peoples of the South Pacific, Isangel, Tanna Island

Neil Stevens

Director, Vanuatu Association of Nongovernment Organisations (VANGO), Vila

John Stewart

Consultant, Bay of Plenty Polytechnic, New Zealand

Amon Tavoa

Senior Loans Officer, National Bank of Vanuatu, Vila

Melinda Tsuchiya

Economic & Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, United Nations, Vila

Patricia Tuara

South Pacif c Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia

Annie Walter


Victoria Hillman & Bronwyn Wood

Australian High Commission, Vila

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