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Fig. 1

Fig. 1:. Production model for division 34.1.1, (all sparids) based on data for Moroccan trawlers and longliners/gillnetters.

Fig. 2

Fig. 2:. Production model for the sparid resources on the untrawlable grounds in statistical division 34.1.3 that are fished by Canaries fishermen.

Fig. 3

Fig. 3:. Showing contribution of size at firts capture (expressed as Lc/L) and rate of exploitation (F/Z) for which yield per recruit is “optimal” drwn from Tables of Beverton and Holt assuming M/K = 2.0.

Fig. 4

Figure 4:. - Relation between catches, CPUE and total fishing effort (standardized day fished) in the Sparid fishery of Senegal (34,3,1).

Fig. 5

Figure 5:. - Distribution of fishing effort of Moroccan, trawlers (North-Atlantic zone) (after Poinsard and Villegas, 1975).

Fig. 6

Figure 6:. - Total sparid landings according to CECAF Statistical Bulletins 1 and 4 for statistical division 34.3.1.

Figure 7

Figure 7 : Fishing grounds in CECAF statistical division 34.1.3 frequented by the Spanish artisanal fleet

Figure 8

Fig. 8:. - CPUE statistics for Japanese stern trawlers according to GRT class in division 34.3.1.

Figure 9

Fig. 9:. - Evolution of the numbers of freezer trawlers carrying ice fishing off Senegal (Note that from 1979 8–10% of the freezer trawlers have operated for only 2–10 months per year).

Figure 10

Figure 10 Distribution of the demersal communities on the Senegambian continental shelf (after Domain, 1980)

Figure 11

Figure 11 - Distribution of the demersal communities on the Mauritanian continental shelf (after Domain, 1985)

Figure 12

Figure 12 : Showing positions of north, central, and southern sections of the coast of Morocco referred to in Figures 13–20 (after Idelhaj)

Figure 13

Figure 13 : Distribution, length composition, biomass and numbers of Pagellus acarne in May-June 1978 (after Idelhaj)

Figure 14

Figure 14 : Distribution, length composition, biomass and numbers of Pagellus erythrinus in May-June 1978

Figure 15

Figure 15 : Distribution, length composition, biomass and numbers of Pagellus bogaraveo in May-June 1978 (after Idelhadj)

Figure 16

Figure 16 : Distribution, length composition, biomass and numbers of Dentex polli in May-June 1978 (after Idelhaj)

Figure 17

Figure 17 : Distribution, length composition, biomass and numbers of Dentex macrophthalmus in May-June 1978 (after Idelhaj)

Figure 18

Figure 18 : Distribution, length composition, biomass and numbers of Diplodus vulgaris in May-June 1978 (after Idelhaj)

Figure 19

Figure 19 : Distribution, length composition, biomass and numbers of Diplodus bellottii in May-June 1978 (after Idelhaj)

Figure 20

Figure 20 : Distribution, length composition, biomass and numbers of Sparus pagrus in May-June 1978 (after Idelhaj)

Figure 21

Figure 21 : Percentage occurence of Pagellus bellottii in relation to depth in different seasons of the year.

Figure 22

Figure 22 : Distribution of various bottom types latitudes 21°N and 28°N (after Balguerias)

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