Food for the Cities. Food Supply and Distribution Policies to Reduce Urban Food Insecurity. A Briefing Guide for Mayors, City Executives and Urban Planners in Developing Countries and Countries in Transition

Table of Contents

A briefing guide for Mayors, City Executives and Urban Planners in Developing Countries and Countries in Transition

“Food into Cities” Collection, DT/43-00E

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Rome, 2000

“Food into Cities” Collection, DT/43-00E
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Rome, 2000

Feeding cities plus the rising total of poor urban households in developing countries and countries in transition is the challenge facing City and Local Authorities. This guide intends to brief the Mayors, City Executives and Urban Planners, including specialists in food production, market development, public health, environment, forestry and agroforestry, on the compelling need for food supply and distribution policies and programmes. These would lower the cost of accessing food by low-income households in their cities and stimulate private investment. It reviews the role of City and Local Authorities in food supply and distribution at regional, metropolitan, urban and local level along with the key steps for the formulation, implementation and monitoring of required interventions. This guide stresses the necessity for a proper understanding of local conditions, an interdisciplinary, intersectoral and participatory approach to finding sustainable solutions, a forecast of urban food security and collaboration between institutions and organizations. The direct involvement of the private sector is essential for sustainable planning decisions.

Paper copies of this Guide can be freely obtained, subject to availability, by request addressed to the Editor.

Year of publication: 2000


Table of Contents

The Author




To Mayors, City Executives and Urban Planners

What City and Local Authorities can Do

1. Promote supportive attitudes and policies towards food producers, processors, traders, shopkeepers, street vendors, transporters and consumers
2. Promote private investment
3. Intervene in food supply and distribution
4. Coordinate public interventions and private initiatives
5. Intermediate between central government and the private food sector

Urban Food Supply and Distribution - Policies, Strategies and Programmes

Three Key Areas for Concern for Urban Food Supply and Distribution Policies
Goals of Urban Food Supply and Distribution Policies
Basic Principles for Food Supply and Distribution Strategies


Annex 1 - Why City Managers Face Growing Food Supply and Distribution Problems
Annex 2 - Examples of Interventions at Regional Metropolitan, Urban and Local Level
Annex 3 - Needs of Food Supply and Distribution Agents
Annex 4 - Role of City and Local Authorities to Reduce Difficulties Faced by Food Supply and Distribution Agents
Annex 5 - Role of Urban Planners in Supporting Urban and Periurban Food Production
Annex 6 - Relation between Policy Goals and Objectives: An Example
Annex 7 - Urban Markets: Responsibility for Providing Infrastructure, Facilities and Services
Annex 8 - An “Urban” Programme and an “Urban Distribution” Subprogramme Arranged by Action Plans
Annex 9 - From Constraint Analysis to Policy Implementation and Monitoring
Annex 10 - Urban Food Supply and Distribution Policy: Management Structure
Annex 11 - Suggested Reading