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Table 1: Basic Statistics of FAO Assisted Groups


Figures extracted from April 1986 project records.


Information based on researcher interviews with groups and examination of group records, where available.

Table 2: Group Income Generating Activities


Figures extracted from April 1986 project records.


Information based on researcher interviews with groups and visits to project sites.

Table 3: Estimated 1989 Agricultural Income

1985 Yield:

Figures extracted from April 1986 project records.

1989 Yield:

Upland and swamp rice yields estimated by multiplying the number of bushels planted by the average expected yield. Figures for average expected yield supplied by MANRF/Pujehun. Estimates were cross-referenced with groups’ and agro-technician’s estimates and found to be consistent.

1989 Price Per Unit:

1989 farm gate prices supplied by MANRF/Pujehun.

Projected 1989 Income:

1989 yield multiplied by 1989 price.

Tables 4 and 5: Community Development Projects Undertaken form 1986 to 1989. Community Development Projects Undertaken form 1982 to 1989


Number of projects undertaken by PPP groups. Figures for 1986-1989 based on reports from groups and verified during visits by researcher. Figures for 1982-1986 taken from project records at MRDSSY/Pujehun.

Estimated Cost of Projects:

Estimated costs for BPRDP and BPRWSSP assisted projects taken from BPRDP and BPRWSSP standard design costing plans. Other project cost estimates are taken from group records. All costs expressed in 1989 Leones.

Value of Local Contribution:

BPRDP estimates that the value of local contribution to its projects is approximately one half the cost of projects. Local contribution generally consists of timber, sand, stone, skilled and unskilled labor. BPRWSSP requires a standard local contribution of Le. 4000 cash from groups it assists; local labor and material contributions for well projects are minimal and therefore not included. Figures for other projects are based on group records and include only cash outlays.

Table 8: Other Projects Undertaken

Number of Groups:

Information based on researcher interviews with groups.

Table 7: Community Development Projects Planned 1990-1991


Total number of projects groups said they planned to undertake. These projects are in various stages of preparation. Local labor and materials have begun and funding mobilized for some. Others have applied for assistance, while the remainder are only being discussed.

Estimated Cost of Projects:

Same as Tables 4 and 5.

Value of Local Contribution:

Same as Tables 4 and 5.

Table 8: PPP Group Savings


1986 savings extracted from April 1986 project records and expressed in 1989 Leones. 1989 savings were extracted from group records. In cases when groups were reluctant to release figures, savings levels were estimated through indirect questioning.

Active Bank Accounts:

Number of groups holding active accounts at Barclays Bank/Pujehun. 1986 figures drawn from April 1986 project records, 1989 figures supplied by groups.

Group Treasuries:

Number of groups holding money in the village with group treasurers. 1986 figures drawn from April 1986 project records, 1989 figures supplied by groups.

Table 9: Former PPP Project Staff

PPP Position:

Information based on project records.

Current Position:

Information based on researcher interviews with former staff.

Table 10: PPP Group Constraints

Number of Groups:

Total number of groups listing constraint as a response to open ended questioning by researcher.

Table 11: PPP Group Contacts

Number of Groups:

Total number of groups listing contacts with corresponding agencies during group interviews with researcher.

Table 12: Spread of PPP Methodology


Figures based on results of researcher’s interviews with groups and staff, and MRDSSY/Pujehun office records.


Figures supplied by MRDSSY/BPRDP staff in Bo. Figures were only available for two of fourteen chiefdoms, although groups are believed to be operating throughout the district.


Figures supplied by Foday Mansaray, Farmers’ Associations Officer, FAO Inland Valley Swamp Development Project, Moyamba.


Figures supplied by Lawrence Buani, SDW, Coordinator of Small Farmers and Community Development Initiatives, MRDSSY/Kailahun.

In 1982, FAO, with government support, launched an innovative project to foster bottom-up rural community development in Pujehun, Sierra Leone under the Organization’s People’s Participation Programme. The aim of the project was to assist in the formation of small, homogeneous self-help groups of men and women which would become leading forces in promoting the development of their communities. This study, conducted three years after termination of FAO technical assistance, examines the extent to which the project’s objective was achieved and the process self-sustained in the post-project period.

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