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Alverson, D.L.; Freeberg, M.H.; Pope, J.G.; Murawsky, S.A. 1994. A global assessment of fisheries bycatch and discards. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper N° 339. Roma.

CEC. 1991. Council directive laying down the health conditions for the production and the placing on the market of fisheries products. Council Directive N° 91/493/EEC. Official Journal of the European Communities N° L 268.

CEC. 1994. Commission decision laying down detailed rules for the application of Council Directive 91/493/EEC as regards own health cheeks on fishery products. Commission decision N° 94/356/EC. Official Journal of the European Communities N° L 156.

FAO. 1996. Fisheries and aquaculture in Sub-Saharan Africa: situation and outlook in 1996. FAO Fisheries Circular N° 922. Roma.

FAO. 1997a. Anuario FAO Vol. 80 - Fishery statistics, Catches and landings 1995. Roma.

FAO. 1997b. Anuario FAO Vol. 79 - Fishery statistics, Commodities 1995. Roma.

FAO. 1997c. The state of world fisheries and aquaculture 1996. Roma.

FAO. 1997d. Number of fishers/Nombre de pêcheurs/Número de pescadores. FAO Fisheries Circular/FAO Circulaire sur les pêches/FAO Circular de Pesca. N° 929. Roma.

FAO. 1997e. Review of the state of world aquaculture. FAO Fisheries Circular N° 886, Rev. 1. Roma.

Laureti, E. 1996. Fish and fishery products: world apparent consumption statistics based on food balance sheets (1961-1993). FAO Fisheries Circular N° 821, Rev. 3. Roma.

McConney, K. S. 1994. Tackling the problem of post-harvest losses in artisanal fishing. The Courier 147: p. 95-98.

Sophonphong, K.; Lima dos Santos, C. A. 1997. Fish Inspection Equivalence Agreements: Overview and Current Developments-Developing Countries Perspective. Paper presented at The International Workshop on Market Access to Seafood. 15-16 de septiembre de 1997 Toronto, Canadá.

Zugarramurdi, A.; Parín, M.A.; Lupín, H.M. 1995. Economic engeneering applied to the fishery industry. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper N° 351. Roma.

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