Common Fund for Commodities - Alternative Applications for Sisal and Henequen - Technical Paper No. 14

Table of Contents

Proceedings of a Seminar held by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) and the Common Fund for Commodities (CFC)

Rome, 13 December 2000

Cover Picture: Sisal planting trials in Tanzania, conducted as part of the CFC-financed project: Product and Market Development of Sisal and Henequen.

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Commodities and Trade Division (Intergovernmental Group on Hard Fibres)
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© FAO and CFC, 2001

Table of Contents


Welcome Address

Opening Statement

Executive Summary

Resumen ejecutivo
Sumário executivo
Executive summary (Chinese version)

Overview of the Sisal and Henequen Industry: A Producers' Perspective

Overview of the Various Alternative Uses of Sisal

A Review of the Market in Traditional Sisal and Henequen Products (Especially Agricultural Twines and General Cordage) and an Assessment of Future Potential

The Potential Market for Sisal and Henequen Geotextiles

Sisal Fibre: Market Opportunities in the Pulp and Paper Industry

Natural Fibre Composites in Structural Components: Alternative Applications for Sisal?

Green Fibres and Their Potential in Diversified Applications

Annex A: Seminar Programme

Annex B: Statistical Appendix: FAO Data on Production and Trade of Sisal and Henequen, 1965 to 2000

Table I. Sisal and henequen production
Table II. Imports of raw sisal and henequen
Table III. Exports of raw sisal and henequen
Table IV. Imports of sisal and henequen manufactures
Table V. Exports of sisal and henequen manufactures