FAO/GIEWS: Africa Report 02/97

Table 3 - Triangular Transactions within Sub-Saharan Africa in 1996/97 or 1997 (tons) 1/

Donor Source of supply Recipient Country Total by donor
Belgium Zimbabwe Malawi (2 000) 2 000
EC Niger Mali (220) 4 156

Tanzania Madagascar (136)

Uganda Rwanda (3 800)
France Benin Niger (514) 14 514

Cameroon Chad (8 000)

Nigeria Niger (6 000)
Italy South Africa Central Afr. Rep. (40) 40
Netherlands Zimbabwe Mozambique (694) 694
United Kingdom South Africa Liberia (5 000) 5 000
WFP Botswana Rwanda (855) 34 345

South Africa Angola (2 583), Lesotho (39), Malawi (220),

Mozambique (12 948), Rwanda (2 700)

Zimbabwe Angola (15 000)

60 749

1/ Based on information reported by donors to GIEWS as of late January 1997.

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