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Map 32 The international waters of Africa

Carte 32 Les eaux internationales d'Afrique




The letters and figures in the centre column correspond to those in Map 32. Les lettres et chiffres au centre de la page correspondent à ceux de la carte 32.
Abbe - Ethiopia, French Territory of the Afars and IssasAAbbe - Ethiopie, Territoire français des Afars et des Issas
Albert - Uganda, ZaireBAlbert - Ouganda, Zaïre
Chad - Cameroon, Chad, Niger, NigeriaCTchad - Cameroun, Tchad, Niger, Nigeria
Chilwa - Malawi, MozambiqueEChilwa - Malawi, Mozambique
Chiuta - Malawi, MozambiqueDChiuta - Malawi, Mozambique
Cyohoha S.- Burundi, RwandaFCyohoha S.- Burundi, Rwanda
Edward - Uganda, ZaireGEdouard - Ouganda, Zaïre
Jipe - Kenya, TanzaniaHJipe - Kenya, Tanzanie
Kariba - Rhodesia, ZambiaIKariba - Rhodésie, Zambie
Kivu - Rwanda, ZaireJKivu - Rwanda, Zaïre
Léré - Cameroon, ChadSLéré - Cameroun, Tchad
Malawi - Malawi, Mozambique, TanzaniaKMalawi - Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzanie
Mweru - Zaire, ZambiaLMweru - Zaïre, Zambie
Nasser/Nubia - Egypt, SudanMNasser/Nubie - Egypte, Soudan
Natron - Kenya, TanzaniaNNatron - Kenya, Tanzanie
Pool Malebo/Stanley Pool - Congo, ZaireTPool Malebo/Stanley Pool - Congo, Zaïre
Rugwero - Rwanda, BurundiORugwero - Rwanda, Burundi
Rudolf - Ethiopia, KenyaPRodolphe - Ethiopie, Kenya
Tanganyika - Burundi, Tanzania, Zaire, ZambiaQTanganyika - Burundi, Tanzanie, Zaïre, Zambie
Victoria - Kenya, Tanzania, UgandaRVictoria - Kenya, Tanzanie, Ouganda
Atiu - Spanish Sahara, Mauritania6Atiu - Sahara espagnol, Mauritanie
Baraka - Ethiopia, Sudan55Baraka - Ethiopie, Soudan
Benito - Gabon, Equatorial Guinea32Benito - Gabon, Guinée équatoriale
Bia - Ghana, Ivory Coast21Bia - Ghana, Côte-d'Ivoire
Buzi - Mozambique, Rhodesia47Buzi - Mozambique, Rhodésie
Cavally - Guinea, Ivory Coast, Liberia19Cavally - Guinée, Côte-d'Ivoire, Libéria
Cestos - Ivory Coast, Liberia18Cestos - Côte-d'Ivoire, Libéria

Chari-Logone System - Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Sudan


Chari-Logone (système) - Cameroun, République Centrafricaine, Tchad, Soudan

Chiloanga/Cabinda - Congo36Chiloanga/Cabinda - Congo
Comoe - Ivory Coast, Upper Volta20Comoé - Côte-d'Ivoire, Haute-Volta

Congo/Zaire System - Angola, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Congo, Rwanda, Tanzania, Zaire, Zambia


Congo/Zaïre (système) - Angola, Burundi, Cameroun, République Centrafricaine, Congo, Rwanda, Tanzanie, Zaïre, Zambie

Congo/Zaire - Angola, Congo, Zaire


Congo/Zaïre - Angola, Congo, Zaïre

Cuango - Angola, Zaire


Cuango - Angola, Zaïre

Kasai - Angola, Zaire


Kasai - Angola, Zaïre

Luapula - Zaire, Zambia


Luapula - Zaïre, Zambie

Malagarasi - Tanzania


Malagarasi - Tanzanie

Bomu - Central African Republic, Zaire


Bomu - République Centrafricaine, Zaïre

Ruzizi - Burundi, Rwanda, Zaire


Ruzizi - Burundi, Rwanda, Zaïre

Sangha - Cameroon, Central African Republic, Zaire


Sangha - Cameroun, République Centrafricaine, Zaïre

Ubangi/Oubangui - Central African Republic, Congo, Zaire


Ubangui/Oubangui - République Centrafricaine, Congo, Zaïre

Corubal/Komba - Guinea, Portuguese Guinea10Corubal/Komba - Guinée, Guinée portugaise
Cross - Cameroon, Nigeria28Cross - Cameroun, Nigeria
Cunene - Angola, South-West Africa (Namibia)38Cunene - Angola, Afrique du Sud-ouest (Namibie)
Cuvelai-Etosha - Angola, South-West Africa (Namibia)39Cuvelai-Etosha - Angola, Afrique du Sud-ouest (Namibie)
Dra - Algeria, Morocco, Spanish Sahara5Dra - Algérie, Maroc, Sahara espagnol
Gambia - Gambia, Guinea, Senegal8Gambie - Gambie, Guinée, Sénégal
Gash - Ethiopia, Sudan54Gash - Ethiopie, Soudan
Geba/Kayanga - Portuguese Guinea, Senegal9Geba/Kayanga - Guinée portugaise, Sénégal
Great Scarcies/Kolente - Guinea, Sierra Leone11Grande Scarcies/Kolente - Guinée, Sierra Leone
Imbuluzi - Mozambique, South Africa, Swaziland Imbuluzi - Mozambique, Afrique du Sud, Swaziland
Incomati - Mozambique, South Africa, Swaziland44Incomati - Mozambique, Afrique du Sud, Swaziland
Juba System - Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia52Système Juba - Ethiopie, Kenya, Somalie
Limpopo - Botswana, Mozambique, Rhodesia45Limpopo - Botswana, Mozambique, Rhodésie
Loffa - Guinea, Liberia15Loffa - Guinée, Libéria
Little Scarcies/Mongo - Guinea, Sierra Leone12Petite Scarcies/Mongo - Guinée, Sierra Leone
Maputo - Mozambique, South Africa, Swaziland42Maputo - Mozambique, Afrique du Sud, Swaziland
Mano-Moro - Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone14Mano-Moro - Guinée, Libéria, Sierra Leone
Mejerda - Algeria, Tunisia1Mejerda - Algérie, Tunisie
Moa - Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone13Moa - Guinée, Libéria, Sierra Leone
Mono - Dahomey, Togo24Mono - Dahomey, Togo

Niger-Benue System - Cameroon, Chad, Dahomey, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Upper Volta


Système Niger-Benoué - Cameroun, Tchad, Dahomey, Guinée, Côte-d'Ivoire, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Haute-Volta

Benue - Cameroon, Nigeria


Benoué - Cameroun, Nigeria

Mayo Kebbi - Cameroon, Chad


Mayo Kebbi - Cameroun, Tchad

Mekrou - Dahomey, Niger, Upper Volta


Mekrou - Dahomey, Niger, Haute-Volta

Niger - Dahomey, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Upper Volta


Niger - Dahomey, Guinée, Côte-d'Ivoire, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Haute-Volta

Nile System - Burundi, Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, Zaire


Système du Nil - Burundi, Egypte, Ethiopie, Kenya, Rwanda, Soudan, Tanzania, Ouganda, Zaïre

Nile - Egypt, Sudan


Nil - Egypte, Soudan

Blue Nile - Ethiopia, Sudan


Nil Bleu - Ethiopie, Soudan

White Nile - Sudan, Uganda


Nil Blanc - Soudan, Ouganda

Kagera - Burundi, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda


Kagera - Burundi, Rwanda, Tanzanie, Ouganda

Semliki - Uganda, Zaire


Semliki - Ouganda, Zaïre


flow into Lake Victoria from Kenya 56


coulent dans le lac Victoria depuis le Kenya
Ntem - Cameroon, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea31Ntem - Cameroun, Gabon, Guinée équatoriale
Nyanga - Congo, Gabon35Nyanga - Congo, Gabon
Ogooue - Cameroon, Congo, Gabon34Ogooué - Cameroun, Congo, Gabon

Okovango/Cubango - Angola, Botswana, South-West Africa (Namibia)


Okovango/Cubango - Angola, Botswana, Afrique du Sud-ouest (Namibie)

Orange - Lesotho, South-West Africa (Namibia), South Africa41Orange - Lesotho, Afrique du Sud-ouest (Namibie), Afrique du Sud
Oued Guir - Algeria, Morocco3Oued Guir - Algérie, Maroc
Oued Daoura - Algeria, Morocco4Oued Daoura - Algérie, Maroc
Oueme - Dahomey, Nigeria25Ouémé - Dahomey, Nigeria
Ruvuma - Mozambique, Tanzania50Ruvuma - Mozambique, Tanzanie
Sabe - Mozambique, Rhodesia46Sabe - Mozambique, Rhodésie
Senegal System - Guinea, Mali, Mauritania, Senegal7Système du Sénégal - Guinée, Mali, Mauritanie, Sénégal
Shire - Malawi, Mozambique49Shire - Malawi, Mozambique
Songwe - Malawi, Tanzania Songwe - Malawi, Tanzanie
St. John - Guinea, Liberia17St. John - Guinée, Libéria
St. Paul - Guinea, Liberia16St. Paul - Guinée, Libéria
Tafna - Algeria, Morocco2Tafna - Algérie, Maroc
Tano - Ghana, Ivory Coast22Tano - Ghana, Côte-d'Ivoire
Temboni - Gabon, Equatorial Guinea33Temboni - Gabon, Guinée équatoriale
Volta System - Dahomey, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Mali, Togo, Upper Volta23Système de la Volta - Dahomey, Ghana, Côted'Ivoire, Mali, Togo, Haute-Volta

Black Volta - Ghana, Ivory Coast, Togo Upper Volta


Volta Noire - Ghana, Côte-d'Ivoire, Togo, Haute-Volta

Red Volta - Ghana, Upper Volta


Volta Rouge - Ghana, Haute-Volta

White Volta - Ghana, Upper Volta, Mali


Volta Blanche - Ghana, Haute-Volta, Mali

Oti/Pendjari - Dahomey, Ghana, Togo, Upper Volta


Oti/Pendjari - Dahomey, Ghana, Togo, Haute-Volta

Yobe/Komadougou - Niger, Nigeria30Yobe/Komadougou - Niger, Nigeria

Zambezi - Angola, Botswana, Mozambique, Rhodesia, South-West Africa, (Namibia), Zambia


Zambèze - Angola, Botswana, Mozambique, Rhodésie, Afrique du Sud-ouest (Namibie), Zambie

(over 3.86 mi2)(plus de 10 km2)
Volta - Ghana (3 275 mi2)Volta - Ghana (8 482 km2)
Kariba - Zambia, Rhodesia ( 2 070 mi2)Kariba - Zambie, Rhodésie (5 364 km2)
Nasser/Nubia - Egypt, Sudan (1 285 mi2)Nasser/Nubie - Egypte, Soudan (3 330 km2)
Kossou - Ivory Coast (620 mi2)Kossou - Côte-d'Ivoire (1 600 km2)
Kainji - Nigeria (485 mi2)Kainji - Migeria (1 270 km2)
Jebel Aulia - Sudan (232 mi2)Jebel Aulia - Soudan (600 km2)
Nzilo - Zaire (175 mi2)Nzilo - Zaîre (280 km2)
Mwadingusha - Zaire (152 mi2)Mwadingusha - Zaïre (393 km2)
Roseires - Sudan (112 mi2)Roseires - Soudan (290 km2)
Koka - Ethiopia (96.5 mi2)Koka - Ethiopie (250 km2)
Ayame - Ivory Coast (72 mi2)Ayame - Côte-d'Ivoire (186 km2)
Nyumba ya Mungu - Tanzania (58 mi2)Nyumba ya Mungu - Tanzanie (150 km2)
Sennar - Sudan (54 mi2)Sennar - Soudan (140 km2)
Tsiazompaniry - Madagascar (12.3 mi2)Tsiazompaniry - Madagascar (32 km2)
Mantasoa - Madagascar (7.7 mi2)Mantasoa - Madagascar (20 km2)
Bam - Upper Volta (4.8 mi2)Bam - Haute-Volta (12,5 km2)

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