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3. Process Elements

3.1 Current Situation

The GTOS Plan outlines the bodies and mechanisms through which the various aspects of the GTOS programme will be implemented. Those which have a major role in implementation of data and information management policies and procedures include the following:

1. GTOSSC - The GTOS Steering Committee provides overall guidance to GTOS in all matters. In addition, members of the Steering Committee will play significant roles in activities of the various Panel and Working Groups (see below).

2. GTOS Secretariat - The Secretariat acts as the functional centre of GTOS and will have the responsibility for ensuring that the actions outlined in this Plan (once approved by the SC) are undertaken.

3. Panels:

i) The Joint Data and Information Management Panel addresses issues common to the three observing systems.

ii) The (GTOS) Data and Information Management Panel - This is proposed in the GTOS Plan (1998) as an Advisory Panel to be established.

iii) The Panel on Data and Information Release - This is proposed in the GTOS Plan (1998) as an Advisory Panel to be established.

4. GTOS Data Centres (DCs) - These will be identified as Institutions where GTOS data and information products will be managed, i.e. assembled, verified, catalogued, processed, distributed, etc. They will be existing data and research centres with whom GTOS has established an agreement on their taking on such a role. It is anticipated that, at least initially, they will be centres associated with networks forming GT-Net. (Note that in the first version of the Implementation Plan the term Data and Analysis Centres was used. At the Steering Committee meeting in June 1998, that was modified to become simply GTOS Data Centres.)

5. Bodies with common interests e.g. FAO, ICSU, UNEP, UNESCO, WMO, IGBP-DIS, WGISS.

Note that all of the above must be co-ordinated and linked with the Science Panels who will be defining and refining the data content and scientific methodologies that drive data and information activities.

3.2 Discussion

Some of the elements listed above are already established with clearly defined roles and scope. The Steering Committee is intended to function as a high-level body, setting overall direction. The Secretariat will have continuing responsibility for the implementation of the approved components of the Plan and for application of developed policies and procedures. The Joint Data and Information Panel, with continued representation from GTOS, should confirm overall principles and plans for G3OS, and provides a forum to identify common areas of interest. Note that this includes the development and functioning of the GOS Information Center (GOSIC), currently being implemented with focus on climate issues, but looking to incorporate GOOS and GTOS interests to develop a true G3OS Center.

However the identification of other GTOS Panels and Working Groups, and the designation of GTOS DCs is at the initial stages and needs firmer definition of scope and mandate.

GTOS Panels and Working Groups

GTOS Panels are expert groups appointed by the Chair of the Steering Committee to consider and make recommendations on designated specific topics. They are composed of both outside experts and Steering Committee members. Working Groups are more informal subsidiary bodies of the Steering Committee. The creation of a Data and Information Management Panel is not only proposed in the GTOS Plan but is identified as a very important activity to be acted upon quickly. Such a Panel would take responsibility for the further development and evolution of the Data and Information Plan (this document). Recognising the constraints under which GTOS is operating, the formation of an interim Working Group would facilitate moving towards implementation (see Sec 12).

The proposed Data and Information Release Panel is described as having (at least) the on-going task of considering how GTOS data and information could be used by countries for national policy making and economic development. This relates to the continuing identification of user needs (see Sec 4) and, although data and information elements are to be considered, they are not primary (as might be interpreted by the name) and so this is not an element described herein. Renaming this Panel would assist in clarification of roles.

GTOS Data Centres

As noted above, GTOS Data Centres will be existing data and research centres which are formally identified with GTOS with regard to some aspects of the GTOS end-to-end data and information management paradigm. Current considerations of implementation options clearly define several different types of centre functions - for instance, those relating to archival requirements and those relating to distribution. Centres may be involved in the first level of verification of data but not necessarily have facilities for, nor take part in, further data analyses; they may have limited facilities for electronic distribution of data and/or archiving. This will depend largely on the nature and domain of the observational data and the analyses required, as well as the organisational structure and the capabilities of the Centre. Data Centre functions may include one or more of: data collection, data assembly, integration, analysis, product generation, distribution, and archiving. In general, each Centre would take responsibilities within the scope of its existing functions. Some may represent "national assembly centres" as defined in the JDIMP Plan, but in the GTOS context, Data Centres are likely to be more variable in nature and specialisation. It may therefore be desirable to designate different types of DC and specify how they should link into a cohesive whole. Possible categories of Centres are suggested in Appendix 3.

Whatever overall structure is targeted, criteria must be developed for selecting and designating GTOS Data Centres of the various types. These will be used as a basis for negotiation of the role of each potential Centre, and possibly the network partners involved. These criteria will include agreement with the various aspects of GTOS Data and Information Policies as laid out in this and associated documents (see Appendix 3).

To assist both the Secretariat in co-ordinating Centres and GTOS partners in locating data and expertise, information on DCs should be maintained in an online Centres Directory (see Sec 11).

3.3 Actions

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