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4. User Requirements for Data and Information

4.1 Policy

4.2 Discussion

GTOS aims to supply data and information to a spectrum of users - from scientific researchers to national policy makers. Five global change issues have been defined as priority areas to be addressed. These are:

The requirement to identify the needs of the different types of user for each of these issues has been emphasised in the GTOS Plan and will be a continuing process as GTOS develops. There will be new users, new issues, and experience also indicates that users’ requirements change with time. This is a core activity for GTOS.

The results, i.e. the definition of user needs, must drive data collection and information production, and so must address the basic question: what data/information does the user need? Thus the outputs of users needs analyses should include specifications for the information infrastructure including the following:

Looking at user needs for the five priority global change issues will likely point to the need for a number of "core" datasets - those that are fundamental to any assessment or on-going monitoring. It is these core datasets which should be actively assembled, harmonised and integrated, ready for multiple shared use throughout the GTOS partners.

4.3 Actions

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