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Conferencia Internacional sobre la Contribución de los Criterios e Indicadores
para la Ordenación Forestal Sostenible: El camino a seguir
Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala
Del 3 al 7 de febrero de 2003

Miembros del Comité Asesor Internacional de CICI - 2003

1. Cabral de Mello, Joao Mauricio, Ministry of Foreign Relations, Brazil.
2. Castañeda, Froylán, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).
3. Caswell, Stephanie, U.S. Department of State, United States of America.
4. Dogru, Muzaffer, Private Consultant; Turkey.
5. Dudley, Michael, Forestry Commission, United Kingdom.
6. Hendricks, Robert, USDA Forest Service, United States of America.
7. Johnson, Steven, International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO).
8. Lee, Glenda, Instituto Nacional de Bosques (INAB), Guatemala.
9. López Payes, Julio, Instituto Nacional de Bosques (INAB), Guatemala.
10. Mankin, William E., Global Forest Policy Project, United States of America.
11. Müller, Eva, International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO).
12. Mwale, Paulos, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Affairs, Malawi.
13. Odera, Jephtath, National Museums of Kenya, Kenya.
14. Palmberg-Lerche, Christel, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).
15. Parviainen, Jari, Finnish Forest Research Institute, Finland.
16. Patosaari, Pekka, Finland.
17. Prabhu, Ravi, CIFOR, Zimbabwe.
18. Prasad, Ram, Madhya Pradesh Forest Department, India.
19. Rametsteiner, Ewald, Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe, Austria.
20. Sanchez Ballivián, Sergio, Amazonian Cooperation Treaty, Brazil.
21. San Roman, San Roman, Ministerio de Agricultura, Uruguay.
22. Siisi-Wilson, Emmanuel, African Timber Organization (ATO), République du Gabon.
23. Suoheimo, Jouni, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Finland.
24. Tapsoba, Francois, CILSS, Burkina Faso.
25. Vahanen, Tiina, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).
26. Wijewardana, Don, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, New Zealand.
27. Zapata, Juan Blas, Coordinador Agenda Forestal de Honduras, Honduras.
28. Zhang, Jinhua, United Nations Environment Programme, Kenya.

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