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The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2002 was prepared by FAO Fisheries Department staff, led by a team comprising U. Wijkström, A. Gumy and R. Grainger. General direction was provided by the Department's management staff, including: L. Ababouch; J. Csirke; S. Garcia; J. Jia; I. Nomura; B. Satia; J. Turner; and G. Valdimarsson.

The preparation of Part 1, World review of fisheries and aquaculture, was the overall editorial responsibility of R. Grainger assisted by D. Evans (consultant), who coordinated the contributions made by L. Garibaldi (production, capture fisheries); J. Csirke (marine resources); A. Crispoldi (fishers and fishing fleets); R. Metzner (fisheries management); D. Doulman (regional fisheries governance); R. Subasinghe (aquaculture); D.M. Bartley (inland fisheries); S. Vannuccini and G. Laurenti (consumption); S. Vannuccini (utilization and trade); and H. Josupeit (commodity trade).

Contributors to Part 2, Selected issues facing fishers and aquaculturists, included: K. Cochrane (implementing the ecosystem approach to capture fisheries management); D. Evans and R. Grainger (reliable statistics as an essential basis for fisheries management); A. Smith (catch certification and documentation); G. MacFadyean (consultant) (poverty alleviation in small-sale fishing communities); and H. Lupin, R. Subasinghe and D. Alderman (of the Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science [CEFAS] UK) (antibiotic residues in aquaculture products).

Contributors to Part 3, Highlights of special FAO studies, included: J. Csirke (fisheries and long-term climate variability); the Fisheries Development Planning Service (the search for an operational definition of subsidies provided to the fisheries sector); U. Tietze (techno-economic performance of marine capture fisheries); and N. Hishamunda (aquaculture development in China: the role of public sector policies).

Part 4, Outlook, was written by C. de Young, R. Metzner and U. Wijkström.

Part 5, Fisheries activities of country groupings, was written by A. Gumy.

Several other staff members as well as non-FAO authors have contributed texts on specific issues, and they are cited in the relevant boxes throughout the publication. Information of relevance for all five parts has been provided by FAO staff in the Regional and Subregional Offices. S. Montanaro assisted with preparation of the figures and the tables.

The Editorial Group of the FAO Information Division was responsible for the editing, design and production of The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2002.

Notes: Unless otherwise stated, the source of data for the figures is FAO. Data for China do not include Taiwan Province and Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Regions.

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