FAO/GIEWS: Africa Report No.3 - December 2002 p.62

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Area: 387 000 sq km
Climate: Centre and north-east tropical wet-dry; south and west semi-arid; rainy season: November-March
Population: 13.02 million (2002 estimate); G.N.P. per caput: US$480 (2001)
Specific characteristics of the country: Land-locked country; exporter and importer of grain
Logistics: Exports and imports through Mozambique or South Africa
Major foodcrops: Maize, wheat, millet, sorghum
Marketing year: April/March; Lean season: February-April
Share of cereals in total calorie intake: 66 percent


Light rains in early December in northern growing areas improved soil moisture for planting of the 2003 cereal crops which have been delayed by severe dry weather in the two last dekads of November. Substantial rains are urgently needed in southern parts to avoid reductions in the area planted. Prospects are also poor reflecting disruption in the agricultural sector following land acquisition activities and prices of seeds being beyond the reach of large numbers of farmers.

The grave food situation is worsening, following a sharply reduced maize harvest coupled with the country's prevailing economic crisis. Shortages of basic foods including bread, maize, milk and sugar are reported in urban and rural areas, with bakeries closing due to lack of wheat. Increasing cases of malnutrition are reported from different locations. About half of the population, or 6.7 million people, are in need of emergency food assistance until next March, mostly in rural areas. Against an exceptional maize deficit of some 1.7 million tonnes in marketing year 2002/03 (April/March) the Government announced contracts for almost 1 million tonnes at the end of September, but by late October, only 480 000 tonnes had been received. Food aid distributions are being delayed and only 167 000 tonnes have been received. In urban areas, soaring inflation, which reached 137 percent by the end of September, and unemployment have further curtailed access to food for the majority of the population.

There is urgent need to expedite commercial imports and delivery of additional food assistance to avoid a further deterioration of the country's food security situation.


  Wheat Rice Coarse grains Total
     Previous five years average production 285 - 1 889 2 174
     Previous five years average imports 142 25 140 307
2002/03 Domestic Availability 328 1 536 865
     2002 Production (rice in paddy terms) 213 2 536 751
     2002 Production (rice in milled terms) 213 1 536 750
     Possible stock drawdown 115 - - 115
2002/03 Utilization 398 13 2 241 2 652
     Food use 388 13 1 775 2 176
       of which: local purchase requirement - - - -
     Non-food use 10 - 319 329
     Exports or re-exports - - - -
     Possible stock build up - - 147 147
2002/03 Import Requirement 70 12 1 705 1 787
     Anticipated commercial imports 70 12 1 016 1 098
     Food aid needs - - 689 689
Current Aid Position        
     Food aid pledges - - 218 218
       of which: delivered - - 167 167
     Donor-financed purchases - - - -
       of which: for local use - - - -
                        for export - - - -
Estimated Per Caput Consumption (kg/year) 29 1 133 163
     2002 Production as % of average:       35
     2002/03 Import requirement as % of average:       582

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