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Annex 2. Workshop programme

Monday, 9 December

09.30-10.30 Session 1: Inauguration


Chief Conservator of Forests of Kenya

FAO Representative

ICRAF Representative

Workshop organizers

10.30-11.00 Break

11.00-12.00 Session 2: Introduction to the workshop

Introduction to the workshop objectives, expected results, proposed programme and methodology

Introduction and expectations of participants

Organisational issues

12.00-12.30 Unna Chokkalingam: The major outcomes of the Samarinda and Pucallpa workshops

12.30-14.00 Lunch

14.00-17.30 Session 3: Setting the Scene

14.00-15.15 Unna Chokkalingam: Secondary forest definitions and dynamics

Dominic Blay: Tropical secondary forests in Anglophone Africa: reality and perspectives

Jeff Odera: Ecological issues of secondary forest management in Anglophone Africa

15.15-15.45 Break

15.45 -16.45 Joseph Obua: Socio economic issues of secondary forest management in Anglophone Africa

Patrick Mushove: Political and institutional issues of secondary forest management in Anglophone Africa

Bashir Jama: Prospects and challenges of enhancing the contribution of agroforestry to improving livelihoods and conserving forests of East and Central Africa.

16.45-17.30 Discussion on the plenary presentations

19.00 Cocktail Reception at World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF)

Tuesday, 10 December

09.00-09.30 Feedback on Day 1

Introduction to the day

09.30-17.00 Session 4: Detailing the overall picture: country issues and experience

09.30-10.15 Mirjam Kuzee: Discussion paper on secondary forest management in Anglophone Africa

10.15-10.45 Break

10.45-12.30 Country presentations and discussion in groups

12.30-14.00 Lunch

14.00-15.15 Group discussion (continued)

15.15-15.45 Break

15.45-17.00 Plenary presentation and discussion of group work

17.00-17.30 Conformation and instruction of working groups

Introduction to the excursion day

Wednesday, 11 December

07.30-17.30 Field Excursion: Exploring secondary forest issues in local realities

Field trip to Embu and the Aberdares

Thursday, 12 December

09.00-09.30 Feedback on Day 2

Reflection on excursion

Introduction to the day

09.30-16.00 Session 5: Issues, opportunities and constraints, lessons learned

09.30-10.30 Working groups

10.30-10.45 Break

10.45-12.30 Working groups (continued)

12.30-14.00 Lunch

14.00-15.15 Working groups (continued)

15.15-15.45 Break

15.45-17.00 Plenary presentation and discussion of working group results

17.00-18.00 Session 6: Definitions and typology

17.00-18.00 Plenary presentation of working group results

Friday, 13 December

09.00-09.30 Feedback on Day 4

Introduction to the day

09.30-15.15 Session 7: Conclusion and recommendations

09.30-10.30 Working groups

10.30-10.45 Break

10.45-11.30 Working groups (continued)

11.30-12.30 Plenary presentation of working group results

12.30-13.30 Lunch

13.30-15.00 Session 8: Actions and priorities

Summary discussion of conclusions and recommendations (Wrap-up)

Remaining issues and follow-up

15.00-15.15 Break

15.15-16.00 Evaluation of the workshop

Final observations

16.00 Closure

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