FAO/GIEWS: Africa Report No.1 - April 2004 p.31

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Aggregate 2003 cereal production, mostly rice, is estimated at about 1.04 million tonnes, which is average. Cereal import requirements for marketing year 2004 are estimated at 370 000 tonnes, mostly rice (245 000 tonnes) and wheat (120 000 tonnes). Commercial imports are projected at 330 000 tonnes, leaving a food aid requirement of 40 000 tonnes.

 WheatRiceCoarse GrainsTotal Cereals
 [thousand tonnes]
Previous year production (incl. paddy rice)-7982411 038
Previous five years average production (incl. paddy rice)-8142291 043
Previous year imports1152507372
Previous five years average imports1172396362
2004 Domestic Availability-543234778
2003 Production (incl. paddy rice)-8142241 039
2003 Production (incl. milled rice)-543224768
Possible stock drawdown--1010
2004 Utilization1207882391 148
Food use117656199972
Non-food use312240165
Exports or re-exports-10-10
Possible stock build up----
2004 Import Requirement1202455370
Anticipated commercial imports100230-330
of which: received or contracted----
Food aid needs2015540
Current Aid Position    
Food aid pledges7--7
of which: delivered4--4
Donor-financed purchases----
of which: for local use----
for export----
Estimated Per Caput Consumption (kg/year)158526126
2003 Production compared to average (incl. paddy rice)-10098100
2004 Import requirement compared to average10310383102
Cereal share of total calorie intake   44
Additional Information    
Major foodcropsrice; roots; tubers; coarse grains
Lean seasonJuly-September
Population (000s)7 717   
GNI per capita in 2002 (US$)410   

FAO/GIEWS - April 2004

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