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[1] Stansby, M.E. 1962: Proximate composition of fish. p.55-60 in: Heen, E.; Kreuzer, R. ed. Fish in nutrition. London, Fishing News (Books) Ltd.

[2] Sidwell, V.D.; Foncannon, P.R.; Moore, N.S.; Bonnet, J.C. 1974: Composition of the edible portion of raw (fresh or frozen) crustaceans, fin fish and molluscs. I. Protein, fat, moisture, ash, carbohydrate, energy value and cholesterol. Marine fisheries review 36: 21-35.

[3] Ayling, T.; Cox, G.J. 1982: Collins guide to the sea fishes of New Zealand. Auckland, W. Collins Ltd.

[4] Vlieg, P. 1982: Proximate and fatty acid composition of the flesh of New Zealand red cod, hoki and jack mackerel. New Zealand journal of science 25: 155-158.

[5] Vlieg, P. 1983: Compositional analysis of jack mackerel and blue mackerel. New Zealand journal of science 25: 229-232.

[6] Vlieg, P. 1983: Proximate composition of the flesh of 7 less common New Zealand deep water fish species. New Zealand journal of science 25: 233-235.

[7] Vlieg, P.; Habib, G.; Clement, G.I.T. 1983: Proximate composition of skipjack tuna Katsuwonus pelamis from New Zealand and New Caledonian Waters. New Zealand journal of science 26: 243-250.

[8] Vlieg, P. 1984a: Proximate analysis of 10 commercial New Zealand fish species. New Zealand journal of science 21: 99-104.

[9] Vlieg, P. 1984: Proximate composition of New Zealand squid species. New Zealand journal of science 27: 145-150.

[10] Vlieg, P. 1984: Proximate analysis of commercial New Zealand fish species - 2. New Zealand journal of science 27: 427-433.

[11] Vlieg, P. 1984: Proximate composition of New Zealand slender tuna Allothunnus fallai. New Zealand journal of science 27: 435-438.

[12] Vlieg, P. 1985: Proximate analysis of commercial New Zealand fish species - 3. New Zealand journal of technology 1: 181-185.

[13] Vlieg, P. 1985: Proximate analysis of commercial New Zealand fish species - 4. New Zealand journal of technology 1: 245-249.

[14] Vlieg, P.; Murray, T. 1988: Proximate composition of albacore tuna Thunnus alalunga from the temperate South Pacific and Tasman Sea. New Zealand journal of marine and freshwater research (in press).

[15] Bannatyne, W.R.; Thomas, J. 1969: Fatty acid composition of New Zealand shellfish lipids. New Zealand journal of science 12: 207-212.

[16] Hughes, J.T.; Czochanska, Z.; Pickston, L.; Hove, E.L. 1980: The nutritional composition of some New Zealand marine fish and shellfish. New Zealand journal of science 23: 43-51.

[17] Pickston, L.; Czochanska, Z.; Smith, J.M. 1982: The nutritional composition of some New Zealand marine fish. New Zealand journal of science 25: 19-26.

[18] Sumner, J.L.; Hopkirk, G. 1976: Lipid composition of New Zealand eels. Journal of the science of food and agriculture 27: 933-938.

[19] Wills, R.B.H.; Hopkirk, G. 1976: Distribution and fatty acid composition of lipid of eels (Anguilla australis). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 53B: 525-527.

[20] Sumner, J.L.; Davis, S.R. 1977: Lipid and amino-acid composition of whitebait (note). New Zealand journal of marine and freshwater research 11: 169-172.

[21] Folch, J.; Lees, N.; Sloane Stanley, G.H. 1956: A simple method for the isolation and purification of total lipids from animal tissues. Journal of biological chemistry 226: 497-509.

[22] Association of Official Analytical Chemists 1970: Official methods of analysis. 2nd ed. Washington, AOAC.

[23] Varley, Y.A. 1966: Automatic methods for the determination of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in plant and material. Analyst 91: 119-126.

[24] Technicon Pty Ltd, P.O. Box 135, North Ryde, New South Wales, 2113, Australia.

[25] WHO, 1973: Energy and protein requirements. World Health Organisation Technical Report No 522, WHO Rome.

[26] Stansby, M.E. 1976: Chemical characteristics of fish caught in the North East Pacific Ocean. MFR Paper 1198. Marine fisheries research review 38: 1-16.

[27] Marsh, N.H.; Fingerhut, B.; Miller, H. 1965: Automated and manual direct methods for the determination of blood urea. Clinical chemistry II: 624.

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[29] Paul, A.A.; Southgate, D.A.T. 1978: P9 in: McCance and Widdowson’s The Composition of Foods. Fourth edition of NRC Special Report No. 297. Her Majesty’s Stationery Office London. Elsevier/North-Holland biomedical press Amsterdam, New York, Oxford.

[30] Aitken, A.; Lees, A.; Smith, J.G.M. 1984: Measuring fish composition. Torry Advisory Note No. 89. Torry Research Station, P.O. Box 31, Aberdeen AB9BG, Scotland.

[31] New Zealand Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries 1975: Fishing return area numbers. Catch 2(4): 8.

[32] Vlieg, P. 1983: Transmission oil from fish? Catch 10(3): 21-22.

[33] Jacquot, R. 1961: Oranic constituents of fish and other aquatic animal foods. Chapter 6 in: Fish as food Volume 1, G. Borgstrom ed., Academic Press, New York and London.

[34] Love, R.M. 1970: P161-253 in: The chemical biology of fishes. Academic Press. London and New York.

[35] Vlieg, P.; Vlieg, M. 1985: The statistical relationships between the moisture and oil contents of 3 New Zealand mackerel species. New Zealand journal of technology 1: 187-189.

[36] Burgess, G.H.O.; Cutting, C.L.; Lavern, J.A.; Water, J.J. 1967: What are the fishes made of. P295-318 in: Fish handling and processing. Chemical Publishing Comp. INC, New York.

[37] Spinelli, J.; Dassow, J.A. 1982: Fish proteins: their modification and potential uses in the food industry. P13-25 in: Chemistry and biochemistry of marine food products. Martin, R.E.; Flick, G.J.; Hebard, C.E.; Ward, D.R. eds. A.V.I. Publishing Company. Westport Connecticut U.S.A.

[38] Buisson, D.H.; Body, D.R.; Dougherty, G.J.; Eyres, L.; Vlieg, P. 1982: Oil from deep water fish species as a substitute for sperm whale oil and jojoba oils. Journal of the American oil chemist society 59: 390-395.

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