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Alston, J., G. Norton and P. Pardey (1995) Science under scarcity: principles and practice for agricultural research evaluation and priority setting, Cornell University Press, London.

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Benyon J., with S. Ackroyd, A. Duncan and S. Jones (1998) Financing the future: options for agricultural research and extension in Sub-Saharan Africa, Oxford, Oxford Policy Management, 163 p.

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Cunningham S. and P. Holland (1997) Final Technical Report ODA-funded research project "R1688CA: Policy and Procedural Studies of Investment Options for Fisheries Research". CEMARE, University of Portsmouth.

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Tabor S. and D. Faber (1998) Closing the loop: from research on natural resources to policy change, Policy Management Report No. 8, Maastricht, European Centre for Development Policy Management.

Thirlwall A. (1994) Growth and development London, MacMillan, 5th edition.

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Tollini H. (1998) "Policy and research: loops of a spiral?" pp. 22-24 in Tabor S. and D. Faber (eds) Closing the loop: from research on natural resources to policy change.

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World Bank, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Commission of the European Communities and the Organisation of the United Nations (1992) A study of international fisheries research Policy and Research Series, The World Bank, Washington, DC.

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