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Barnett, T. 1996. AIDS brief: subsistence agriculture. Global Programme on AIDS/UNAIDS and World Health Organization.

Engberg, L. 1990. Rural households and resource allocation for development: an ecosystems perspective - guidelines for teaching and learning. FAO.

FAO. 1999. Agricultural censuses and gender considerations: concepts and methodology. FAO.

FAO. 2002a. Gender and access to land. FAO Land Tenure studies no. 4. FAO.

FAO. 2002b. Living well with HIV/AIDS - a manual on nutritional care and support for people living with HIV/AIDS. FAO.

FAO. 2003. Gender and Development Plan of Action. FAO.

Feldstein, H & Poats, S., eds. 1990. Working together: gender analysis in agriculture. West Hartford, Connecticut, USA, Kumarian Press.

Gebremedhin, T. 1997. Rural households: a conceptual framework for poverty alleviation, food security and sustainable development. Working paper. FAO.

IFAD/FAO/Government of Japan. 1998. Agricultural implements used by women farmers in Africa. Rome.

IFAD/FAO. 2003. Labour saving technologies and practices for farming and household activities in Eastern and Southern Africa. Rome.

IFAD. 2002. A manual for gender-focused diagnostic studies. Rome, IFAD

Jiggens, J., Samanta, R. & Olawoye, J. 1997. Improving women farmers’ access to extension services. Chapter 9 in Improving Agricultural Extension (eds. B. Swanson, R. Bentz and A. Sofranko). FAO.

Topouzis, D. & du Guerny, J. 1999. Sustainable agricultural/rural development and vulnerability to the AIDS epidemic. FAO/UNAIDS.

Other useful resources under the SEAGA programme

Handbooks for use at the field-, intermediate- and macro-levels have been developed under the SEAGA programme. There are also separate SEAGA guides in specific areas such as irrigation, livestock, micro-finance and the project cycle. Contact us by mail or e-mail ([email protected]) for more information and/or documents, or go to the SEAGA website:

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