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FAO celebrates World Food Day 2005

The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization will once again commemorate its founding anniversary on 16 October with the celebration of World Food Day (WFD) 2005. This year's celebration will revolve around the theme "Agriculture and intercultural development." It will have sub-themes on (1) "cultures and agriculture," which refers to technologies developed by various civilizations and (2) the "contributions of civilizations to world agriculture" in terms of exchanges of plants, animals, forestry and any other cultural material.

It will be FAO's 25th anniversary of observing WFD, which started in 1981, to intensify the public's awareness of the world food problem, and collectively fight hunger, malnutrition and poverty. This year's celebration also marks FAO's 60th founding anniversary. It was on the same day in 1945 that FAO was established in Quebec City, Canada.

Special activities at the FAO headquarters and in member-countries will be organized for WFD 2005. For more information, visit (Source: FAO Rural Radio)

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