FAO Fisheries Report No. 767

FAO Fisheries Report No. 767               FIPL/R767 (En)


Report of the

Rome, 23 and 26 June 2004

Rome, 2005


Table of Contents

Printed on ecological paper

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ISBN 92-5-105341-3
ISSN 0429-9337

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FAO/General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean.
Report of the GFCM Workshop on Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing in the Mediterranean. Rome, 23 and 26 June 2004.
FAO Fisheries Report. No. 767. Rome, FAO. 2005. 80p.


The evolving management role of regional fisheries management organizations (RFMOs), as agreed in recent international fisheries instruments, is set out, together with agreed provisions relating to illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing. Issues common to IUU fishing and management of fishing capacity are described, especially as contained in the International Plans of Action (IPOAs) relating to these areas.

The status and implementation of the International Plan of Action to Prevent, Deter and Eliminate Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing (IPOA-IUU) in the Mediterranean is described, referring to: the contexts in which IUU fishing has been addressed by the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM); adoption of national plans of action (NPOAs) on IUU fishing by GFCM Members; and adoption by the European Union (EU) Fisheries Council of conclusions on IUU fishing.

Many RFMOs have been active in implementing the IPOA-IUU, and their decisions, actions and measures are described.

Possible options for implementing the IPOA-IUU in the Mediterranean are identified, noting some features of existing fisheries management relating to IUU fishing. The features include the diverse national legal frameworks, activities in the subregions covered by the CopeMed and AdriaMed projects and monitoring, control and surveillance in the region. A possible process and considerations for implementation of the IPOA-IUU by GFCM is described, and in conclusion the potential effects on fisheries management are noted.

© FAO 2005


Preparation of this document


Abbreviations and acronyms

Opening of the Workshop

Adoption of the agenda and arrangements for the Workshop

Status of IUU fishing in the Mediterranean

Issues of concern at national level

Salient issues at regional level

Identifying and quantifying IUU activities

Implications of a step-by-step approach and options for addressing IUU fishing for consideration by GFCM

Any other matters

Close of the Workshop


A: Agenda
B: List of participants
C: List of documents
D: Review of activity, measures and other considerations relating to illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing in the Mediterranean

Annex: Tables (FAO and GFCM questionnaires)

E: Summary of responses from GFCM Members to FAO questionnaire for states on the FAO International Plan of Action to Prevent, Deter and Eliminate Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing (IPOA-IUU)

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