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III. Conclusions and Recommendations

The participants strongly supported the continuing participation of Zimbabwe as a pilot country in Project INT/86/P08 and urged tht follow-up activities be initiated as soon as possible.

The participants made the following formal recommendations:

  1. That the planning committee should continue as project coordinating committee but the committee membership should be inreased to include more NGOs.
  2. That the Minister of Youth, Sport and Culture should appoint the coordinator charged with chairing the coordinating committee.
  3. That a consultant from FAO be appointed to the coordinating committee.
  4. That groundwork i.e., choice of pilot district, mobilization, etc. be done in the shortest time possible — 3 months.
  5. That members in this workshop should be informed of the progres of the project.
  6. That at the end of the pilot project, an independent evaluation should be carried out within a year -- 3 months for ground work, 9 months for implementation and evaluation.
  7. That the Ministry of Youth, Sport and Culture official in the selected pilot district act as coordintor at district level and that funds for his/her travel and subsistence and other related expenses be solicited by FAO.
  8. That a leader's guide be prepared.
  9. That the leader's guide include both subject matter and teaching suggestions .
  10. That the methods recommended in the leader's guide should place an emphasis on participation and problem-solving approaches.
  11. That the leader's guide should . be ratified by the coordinating committee before use by the project.
  12. That the project should be launched when all materials (books, aids, equipment) are available to facilitate smooth flow and operation of the project.
  13. That the project should be implemented through existing youth organizations.
  14. That intial training of trainers should be provided by FAO in terms of population concepts and by the Ministry of Education Teacher Training Unit expertise in terms of teaching methodology (concentrating on a problem-solving approach). Follow-up training of youth leaders should be done by local Zimbabwean expertise with both technical and financial assistance from FAO.
  15. That the training of youth leaders should be done at district level, within the next 5-7 months.
  16. That the pilot project should be run for 9-12 months, and be evaluated every three months.
  17. That funds should be available by FAO for total project coordination, including transport, equipment, stationery, etc.

The participants also completed a form evaluating the organization, implementation and relevance of the workshop. (A summary of their responses is attached as Annex 6.)