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Annex 14 

I may have sounded a little bit out of order by including members of the press in my salutation but I have no apologies for breaking the protocol. In fact, I would be the proudest man in the world to have been the first one to challenge this order in the established rules of protocol.

Now that this workshop is over, it is time for the press to come in and preach the message to the people. Many development strategies have failed to take root because of our failure to involve the press when we know very well that the media is the most effective way of communicating with the people and rallying their support. Without the support of the media we cannot hope to achieve anything.

If the media person does not understand and appreciate the importance of whatever you are trying to achieve. We are, in fact, planning to include people from our media houses as participants in our youth courses and workshop so that they could keep abreast with us in what­ever we are doing. How can we blame the media for negative reporting and misrepresentation of facts if we don't include the media personnel in our courses of instruction. How can we blame the media for not sparing us a page on youth affairs if we neglect the journalists? The survival of our development philosophy depends, to a large extent, on the support we get from the media houses. To this end, therefore, may I appeal to all the media houses to afford us space for youth affairs in their programme. May I also thank the press for covering this workshop so adequately.

The work done by the United Nations in bringing us this course is praiseworthy indeed and will go down in the annals of youth affairs in this country as one of the most valuable workshops ever offered. I was going through the materials in the office from the time they were handed to me up to now and I have never stopped to savour the ideas which are so eye-opening. I wonder if it would be possible for the United nations to consider bringing the workshop once again after taking into account our local conditions as advanced by our local experts who have been delivering papers during the workshop.

Mr. Chairman, I would have failed in my duty if I would not express my gratitude to the Swaziland Youth Development Consultative Council for the efficient handling of this workshop. The Consultative Council is one of our most efficient and active youth organizations in the country. When I entrusted this duty on it, I knew there was nothing for me to worry about as everything would be in safe hands. The chairman has been working hand in hand with me from the time this workshop was launched up to this day. For that, I would like to say thank-you very much.

Lastly, I would like to thank Dr. Lindley and his colleague for the instruction given. I hope they will take some time off to visit the countryside to savour a little of our peoples' hospitality.