Fire Management Working Paper FM18E

Fire management:
Review of international cooperation


Fire Management Working Papers report on issues addressed in the FAO work programme. These working papers do not reflect any official position of FAO. Please refer to the FAO website ( for official information.

The purpose of these papers is to provide early information on ongoing activities and programmes and to stimulate discussion.

Comments and feedback are welcome.

For further information, please contact:

Peter Holmgren, Chief
Forest Resources Development Service
Forest Management Division, Forestry Department
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
00153 Rome, Italy
e-mail: [email protected]


Jim Carle, Senior Forestry Officer (Plantations and Protection)
Forest Resources Development Service
Forest Management Division, Forestry Department
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
00153 Rome, Italy
e-mail: [email protected]

Bibliographic citation:

FAO. 2006. Fire management: review of international cooperation. Fire Management Working Paper 18. Rome (also available at

Photo credit:

To be added.

© FAO 2006


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Acronyms and abbreviations

Executive summary

1. Introduction

2. Identification of priority themes for cooperative action in fire management

3. Goals of international cooperation in fire management

4. Priority themes for international cooperation in fire management, contribution of current actors and future potential

4.1 Development of international standards, methods and systems for early warning, monitoring, impact assessment and reporting

4.2 Training and technology transfer

4.3 Support to policy, legal, institutional and planning frameworks

4.4 Research

5. Conclusions and recommendations


Annex 1: Activities of international actors in fire management (UN, non-UN and civil society)

Annex 2: Overview of cooperation among international stakeholders

Annex 3: FAO work programme in fire management

Annex 4: Draft proposals for the development of a standardized fire inventory system

Annex 5: Selected references relevant to the strategy

Annex 6: Publications available on fire management