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142. The secretariat introduced this agenda item on the basis of document APFIC/08/7 and the summary conclusions of the RCFM. The secretariat introduced the framework for the workplan to be carried out by APFIC in the biennium starting in August 2008. This is to commence immediately following this thirtieth session of APFIC and lead up to the third RCFM and the thirty-first session in August 2010. The Commission was informed of the two emerging issues for the coming biennium of work for APFIC, namely "Managing fishing capacity and IUU fishing in the Asian region" and "Certification schemes for capture fisheries and aquaculture". These are described in APFIC's Status and potential for fisheries and aquaculture in Asia and the Pacific 2008 (APFIC/08/Inf.5). Both issues are considered to be of importance to the fisheries sector in the region.

143. As outlined in the strategic plan and also as recommended in the report of the seventy-first Executive Committee meeting, the following key activities will be undertaken by the Commission and APFIC secretariat during the coming biennium of work as follows:

September 2008

The report and recommendations of the thirtieth session of APFIC will be communicated to FAO prior to the meeting of the committee on fisheries in 2009 and the APFIC secretariat will report to the regional secretariats network meeting.

May 2009

The secretariat will organize and implement the first regional consultative workshop. This will cover the practical applications for Asia and the Pacific region of the ecosystem approach for the management of fisheries and aquaculture and how this relates to the implementation of the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries.

August 2009

The seventy-second session of the Executive Committee of APFIC will meet in August 2009 to review: (i) the role of APFIC; (ii) outcomes and recommendations of the APFIC regional consultative workshop; (iii) preparations for the third RCFM; (iv) emerging issues policy and recommendations for future focus of APFIC's programme of work. The Executive Committee will also develop the agenda for the thirty-first session of APFIC to be held in September 2010.

October 2009

The secretariat will organize and implement the second regional consultative workshop and this will cover recommendations and policy advice on how to support and improve the livelihoods of small-scale fishers and aquaculturists.

March 2010

APFIC secretariat with the support of regional organization partners and member countries will prepare the third RCFM in August 2010. The secretary will inform all members, all regional and subregional organizations and arrangements with relevance to fisheries/aquaculture in the APFIC region of the proposed programme for the RCFM and invite their participation and suggestions for changes to the programme.

September 2010

The third RCFM will be held in September 2010, immediately preceding the thirty-first session of APFIC. Immediately following the third RCFM the Commission will hold its biennial session that will consider the outcome of the workshops and the RCFM and will also consider any additional matters raised by Members and may wish to develop recommendations for COFI and the RCFM.

144. The budget of APFIC is reported in detail in the report of the seventy-first session of the Executive Committee (APFIC/08/Inf.4). APFIC is able to leverage considerable in-kind co-financing from its regional partners and member countries.

145. The secretariat recommended that member countries consider seriously some form of ad hoc financial support to key APFIC activities such as the regional consultative workshops or the RCFM. In-kind financing could be more assured if member countries would commit to the financial support of the additional regional workshops. He noted that several Members have done this during the current biennium.

Responses by the commission and observers

146. It was noted by several member countries that there should be continued follow up on the themes such as IUU fishing, certification, co-management. The Commission agreed on the two new biennial themes, "the ecosystem approach to fisheries" and "market linkages, trade and rural finance', to be included in the next workplan of APFIC. It was underlined by the Commission that the approaches under the two themes should include inland as well as coastal fisheries. There would also be some aspects of aquaculture covered under each theme.

147. The 2009 to 2010 workplan was endorsed by the Commission and is included as Appendix H.

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