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Part III - Summing up

Part III - Summing up

Recommendations and conclusions

It seems somewhat redundant to offer recommendations and conclusions for operational guidelines, since the latter are themselves recommendations and conclusions based on analysis of the situation.

On the other hand' a reading of this document can doubtlessly lead to reflection on the professional practices, experiences and situations met with every day. All parties - policy-makers and supervisory and field staff from national or international institutions will certainly be challenged as regards their decisions, procedures and omissions. This document should not be seen so much as a conclusion but as the start or confirmation of a commitment to ensure that women are taken into account in development policies and strategies.

The document has been drawn up as a result of the efforts and investments of the various countries that have been asking for FAO's help for some years in the quest for solutions and strategies to ensure a greater integration of women in development. The commitment and determination of these countries have made it possible to gather all this information and to recommend methodological and operational guidelines. It would be a shame if all the work of study and reflection were to stop here and if this were to become simply another document.

Collaboration between FAO and the various countries took place at a precise period and within a precise framework. Time has moved on and situations have changed. Day after day, countries have been working towards enabling rural women to become partners in development. There have of course been many obstacles and some creative thinking has been needed to overcome them. It would be profitable to all parties if all of them could react on the one hand to the proposals contained in this document and on the other, and more especially, to their feasibility and relevance in view of the dynamics of the particular situation in each country.

This is the background against which the conclusions and recommendations of this paper should be taken as a support to action. The first part of this summary is given in note form to which each person can add his or her reflections, conclusions and recommendations. The second part is more interactive and aims at sharing and exchange among the countries and FAO.

Do's and don't's

Proposals and suggestions as to which actions would be relevant and helpful and which would not have been made throughout the preceding pages. A list of these here would be either repetitive or incomplete. Far more useful results will be obtained by setting out points under various headings. These can then be examined and acted on according to the current situation.

Important elements in the preparation and application of a policy and strategy for rural women are suggested in the following pages. Five key points to be observed are given for each topic. These are in no particular order as to value or importance, so they should all be taken into account and receive equal attention.

The points are based on observations of the work and procedures of all those actively involved in implementing policies benefiting women on one level or another. The knowledge, experience and the solutions to difficulties found by such groups and individuals - or the solutions suggested after examination - can be valid additional material.




Determine each institution's particular constraints and possibilities for the preparation and application of a development policy and strategy for rural women.

Don't expect any institution to agree without argument to work for women's benefit in every sphere if it has not been provided with the means or possibilities of doing so.

Clarify the mandate and define the field of jurisdiction of every national institution with regard to integrating rural women in development.

Don't think that the issue of integrating women in development is the prerogative of any single institution.

Allocate each institution its precise field of jurisdiction in solving problems specific to rural women.

Don't underrate the contribution that each institution can offer.

Establish intra- and interinstitutional mechanisms to stimulate the integration of women in development.

Don't forget that there is an institution responsible for the promotion of women.

Acknowledge and recognize that the institution responsible for promoting women in development has the right to review and provide guidelines for development programmes and projects.

Don't apply to the institution responsible for the promotion of women only when the technical and financial stakes get too high and when apparently insoluble problems arise.




Make use of knowledge of women's present situation in order to increase, decide on and negotiate their integration into development programmes and projects.

Don't rely on generalizations and a priori arguments to justify taking account of women.

Apply recognized and relevant methods to determine and analyse the status. role and functions of rural women.

Don't confuse needs that concern men as much as women with gender-specific needs

Examine where resources for development programmes and projects are going in order to avoid discrimination and inequality.

Don't believe that any given programme and project is addressed to and concerns women as much as men just because it claims to be aimed at the population as a whole.

Apply pressure to obtain a high-level commitment to the preparation and application of a policy benefiting women.

Don't believe that mere declarations of intent and policy will foster the integration of women in development.

Insist that all planning operations include in their agendas the integration of women in development.

Don't plan a policy benefiting women in isolation from regular operations organized on the national and sectorial levels or from their mechanisms and procedures




Identify possible collaborators and forms of collaboration on the national level in the public, parapublic and private sectors.

Don't neglect ordinary people who are the true locus of active participation.

Rely on local people with knowledge and experience in the sphere of women and development.

Don't overrate expertise at the expense of pragmatism and operational experience.

Develop and maintain relations with women's organizations.

Don't overlook organizations that have had no need of state support to structure and organize themselves and to operate.

Try to establish contacts in neighbouring countries that are also engaged in the process of implementing policies benefiting women.

Don't believe that the integration of women in development is a problem that can be solved without making use of experience gained in other places.

Seek and mobilize international support and resources only after careful reflection on expectations and anticipated contributions.

Don't automatically accept all offers of support and don't alter objectives in view of opportunities just because they increase contributions.




Take account of existing information and analyses of women's issues in order to increase understanding.

Don't automatically start the process by following lines of action that have already been followed and don't avoid consideration of fundamental questions.

Produce up-to-date information on the evolution of policies, strategies and lines of action benefiting rural women and set up communication channels among the various partners.

Don't forget to keep everyone concerned up-to-date on the positive changes that have taken place; continued motivation and interest depend on this.

Check that both men and women receive information on implementation of the policy benefiting women and on the action pursued.

Don't imagine that rural people have little interest in what takes place or is decided and planned at the top nor that they have a low level of understanding.

Assess the degree of understanding and support for the issue of women in development among those who are active in the area (policy-makers, planners and supervisory staff) or who should be.

Don't start from the principle that integrating women in development is simple, easy and straightforward and don't hide behind words by using language that does not explain the real stakes and risks in order to respect the established norms.

Make full use of existing media to spread as much relevant information as possible to allow recognition of the true position occupied by women and the implications of integration.

Don't use the media as a passive support; they can all be used for interactive communication in which village men and women can play leading roles.




Insist that all laws and regulations concerning land tenure should take account of the present constraints on female farmers.

Don't neglect to incorporate the concerns of female producers in any current or future land tenure reforms.

Apply pressure to change legislation that puts women at a disadvantage regarding access to production factors and their rewards.

Don't accept tradition. custom or usage as the only acceptable reference points, thereby justifying the perpetuation of discriminatory laws.

Secure the cooperation of female lawyers to stimulate thought and discussion about the law and enlist the support of the various bodies that defend human rights.

Don't forget that in every country there are associations of women lawyers with a local, regional and even international audience.

Involve rural women, who have first-hand experience of constraints, to suggest changes in the law.

Don't think that only legislators know what can be changed; consulting the population has always paved the way to creativity and change and the legislator can then formalize and enact such change.

Insist on compliance with the international agreements designed to eliminate discrimination that have been ratified by governments.

Don't forget that when a country signs a convention this is not merely a gesture but a commitment.

Follow up

"You can't wash your face with one finger.''

"You can't sweep a courtyard with one wisp of straw.'' "You can't put a calabash on your head with one hand.''

African proverbs remind us that nothing can be achieved by agents working in isolation. Once the following section has been filled out, sent to FAO and processed, it could provide a basis for en exchange of experiences, comparison of procedures and enhancement of the results obtained around a work table. This could become the beginnings of a network for policy-makers and planners directly involved in drawing up and implementing development policies and strategies for rural women.

The following questionnaire is easy to fill out. It is based on professional practice and on the different steps that may have been followed in the development of policy and action for rural women. If there is not enough room in the spaces provided. replies can be continued on additional sheets.

The completed questionnaire should be returned to the Chief of the Women in Agricultural Production and Rural Development Service (ESHW) of the Human Resources. Institutions and Agrarian Reform Division (ESH). FAO. Viale delle Terme di Caracalla. 00100 Roma. Italy.



1. Country:................................................................................................................

2. Structure responsible for the integration of rural women in development programmes and projects:



Service: ...................................................................................................................

3. Is these a development policy for rural women?


NO _

If not, why not?


If there is, is it:

provisional? _

disseminated _

approved? _

applied? _

Have there been amendments and modifications?


NO _

If there have been, what are they, and why were they made?


4. Is the policy integrated into the national development plan?


NO _

And into the sectorial development plan?


NO _

What are the practical features of this integration?


5. When was the policy for the national development plan drawn up?


6. When was the policy for the development plan for the rural and agricultural sector drawn up?


7. Which official bodies were involved in its preparation?


What were their contributions?


What are they doing today to ensure application of the policy?


8. What are the principles of the policy benefiting rural women?


9. What are its priority objectives?


10. What are its priority lines of action?



11. What are the most appropriate and significant lines of action so far as results are concerned in opening the way for equitable development:

in juridical and legislative terms?


in economic terms?


in social terms?


in terms of decision-making and changes in the man-woman relationship?


12. How is the policy integrated into the development programmes and projects of the agricultural and rural sector?

Are there special projects for women, and if so what are they?



What is the form of the institutional and operational link with development programmes and projects for the agricultural and rural sector?


Alternatively, are the policy, strategies and lines of action benefiting women explicitly incorporated into programmes and projects for the agricultural and rural sector, and if so, how?



13. What are the greatest difficulties in incorporating a policy benefiting rural women into the whole planning process?



14. What are the greatest difficulties in preparing a development policy benefiting rural women?



15. What are the greatest difficulties in ensuring that a policy benefiting rural women is applied, respected and taken into account in development programmes and projects?



16. What are the main elements of advice to be given to a country or a government structure to ensure the success of a development policy benefiting rural women, from preparation to action?



17. If FAO provided support and assistance for formulation of a development policy benefiting rural women, what has been the follow-up:

by me government?


by the ministry responsible for the agricultural and rural sector?


by other ministries?


by FAO?


18. If no policy benefiting rural women already exists in the country, what should be done or not done to prepare and implement a coherent, relevant and therefore effective policy?




19. Other suggestions, comments and proposals on the issue of integrating women in development:




Name of the person who has filled out this questionnaire:



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